The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) is pleased to announce the appointment of James Wilson as the next Director of Natural Resources. James has held the role of Deputy Director of Natural Resources since May 2024 and has been appointed following a comprehensive search and selection process.
Falkland Islands members of the Legislative Assembly, heads of Government Departments, and advisors are visiting Camp this weekend to meet the Farming community for a session of questions and answers.
The Director of the Falklands Natural Resources Department, Dr. Andrea Clausen has given an update on avian influenza cases registered at Volunteer Point, Cow Bay and Lively Island.
Dr Andrea Clausen has been appointed as the next Chief Executive of the Falkland Islands Government and will step into the position in April 2025. Dr Clausen will be the first Falkland Islander and the first female to take on the Chief Executive role, and evidence of how much the Falklands have invested in their people.
After a robust appointment process, Her Excellency the Governor and the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly are delighted to announce that Dr Andrea Clausen has been appointed the next Chief Executive of the Falkland Islands Government (FIG).
The Falkland Islands Fisheries Department (FIFD) conducted a pre-season survey for the winter Loligo ‘X’ licence season, working in close partnership with local companies. The survey results showed the lowest winter pre-season survey biomass estimates since 2008, a total of 19,859 tons.
Falkland Islands Director of Natural Resources Dr. Andrea Clausen reported there was another high catch of Loligo squid during this year’s first season, the fifth year in a row. Dr Andrea Clausen said in her report for the Fisheries Committee, meeting on June, that the total catch of Loligo had been 53,578 tons.
Fisheries authorities in the Falkland Islands have said that 2022 was a bumper year for the squid and hake fishing fleets licenced by the territory. Sixteen ships caught a remarkable 101,166 tonnes of loligo squid; a catch that was exceeded only in 1989 when 118,120 tonnes were landed, although that record catch was achieved by almost three times as many ships.
Responding to a question submitted by Sally Poncet, MLA Teslyn Barkman confirmed at the public meeting last week that there was no draft legislation to ban open pen large-scale salmon farming.
Falkland Islands have experienced an extraordinary Loligo year with catches reaching 101,073 tons in the two season, 54,417 in the first and 43,216 in the second. However great volumes also have their shortcomings, particularly since Falklands' fishing industry this year has had to face dearer fuel and transport costs, and not all the catch has been sold.