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Bolivia's economy seriously hit by Evistas blockading roads

Saturday, October 19th 2024 - 10:10 UTC
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“The only thing they are doing is harming the distribution and logistics of products,” Siles also pointed out “The only thing they are doing is harming the distribution and logistics of products,” Siles also pointed out

Four days into the road-blockading protests staged nationwide by followers of former President Evo Morales, Government sources said Friday that up to US$ 1.5 billion worth of exports had been affected by the move. In addition, private entrepreneurs have also complained about the damages caused to them by the populist defense of the former head of state under prosecution for rape and human trafficking.

Bolivian exports could fall from US$ 10 billion to at least US$ 8.5 billion this year, President Luis Arce Catacoora's administration warned. “We had a projection of exports equivalent to $10 billion in the current administration, but with this blockade, it is highly likely that there is a reduction to US$ 9 billion or $8.5 billion and that implies less foreign exchange for the country,” Industrialization Policies Deputy Minister Luis Siles told reporters. In addition, The Government's Food Security Committee Monitoring Center mentioned daily losses reaching US$ 191 million.

The industrial sector alone lost between US$ 80 million and US$ 120 million per day while exporters registered setbacks worth over US$ 53 million as a result of the extreme measure.

In this scenario, Siles urged “the people who are blockading to lift this measure because the only thing they are doing is harming the distribution and logistics of products.”

In addition to shielding him from prosecution, the EEvistas want their leader to be allowed to run once again, which is banned by a Constitution clearly providing for a limited number of terms in office, which Morales has already exceeded.

The Confederation of Private Businessmen of Bolivia (CEPB), pointed out that these measures are causing serious damage to all business activities, especially domestic and international trade, transport, and industry. “The damages caused by the blockades on an economy in crisis are devastating and affect most severely the productive sectors and the most vulnerable population,” the entity said in a statement.

Until 3.30 pm Friday, on the fifth day of the measure, 13 blockade points were confirmed, 11 of them in Cochabamba, one on the border of this department with Santa Cruz, and another in Oruro.

“We ask the State entities that, within the framework of their responsibility and in accordance with the Law, make the greatest efforts to solve this serious problem, guaranteeing that the rights of all are respected and that these pernicious measures are suspended as soon as possible,” the CEPB communiqué went on.

Categories: Economy, Politics, Latin America.

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