Isaías Rodríguez, Venezuela's first vice president as per the 1999 Constitution under Bolivarian leader Hugo Chávez, passed away Sunday at the age of 82, President Nicolás Maduro announced in Caracas. Rodríguez also served as Venezuela's Attorney General as well as Ambassador to Italy, and vice president of the Constituent Assembly.
A great man has left us; a lawyer, poet, defender of workers, blameless, loyal and consistent with the just causes of the Venezuelan people, Isaías Rodríguez, a brave revolutionary, Maduro said while highlighting that the deceased was instrumental in penning some of the fundamental articles and chapters of the Venezuelan Constitution approved in 1999. Maduro also praised Rodríguez's role in thwarting the short-lived 2022 coup d'état against Chávez.
Today, January 12, I write these lines in the framework of his irreparable physical departure that fills us with deep pain, added Maduro.
Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez described him as a man of integrity of deep love for his country and the Venezuelan people, whom he wrapped with his tender poetry.
He departs with the mission of life fulfilled. Our condolences to his wife, children, family and friends. Fly high, doctor, here remains your example. Isaías Rodríguez and Delcy Rodríguez are not related by blood. However, she is the sister of the current National Assembly Speaker Jorge Rodríguez.
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