Despite its iconic background worldwide, Pizza Hut will no longer be operating in Chile, Food Delivery Brands, the company handling it as well as Telepizza, announced Wednesday in Santiago. The group insisted it had made all possible efforts to keep the business afloat.
”Food Delivery Brands (FDB), controller of Telepizza Chile S. A., announces that, despite having made every possible effort to sustain the company's operation, it has taken the difficult decision to proceed with the closure of all its operations under the Telepizza and Pizza Hut brands in Chile, along with requesting the liquidation of the company before the competent courts, a statement from the company read.
The Food Delivery Brands business in Chile has been affected by the consequences of a complex economic, competitive, and financial environment, which has forced the FDB Group to make the decision to concentrate on its operations in Europe, it added while pledging to act in the most responsible way to preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the rights of the workers and the rest of the parties affected by this process.
The company also thanked consumers for their trust, and all its workers for their dedication and effort during all this time.”
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