Brazilian president Lula da Silva received medical discharge and can return to normal every day routine, including travelling and physical activities, as informed by a release from the Syrian-Lebanese Hospital in Brasilia.
Lula visited the hospital on Monday for a new control tomography of the injuries and head intervention he experienced towards the end of last year. The latest exam showed a progressive improvement of his situation. Anyhow the president remains under the care and monitoring of the medical team headed by Roberto Kalil Filho and Ana Helena Germoglio.
Last year Lula underwent emergency surgery in the head to drain an intracranial hemorrhage (internal bleedind of the head) following a fall he experienced at his residence in the Alvorada Palace.
Following strong head aches the president was taken to the Syrian-Lebanese Brasilia hospital. Exams showed a hemorrhage, and the medical team decided on surgery, but at the main hospital unit in Sao Paulo, with the presidential personal doctor and his team. For his recovery Lula was told to rest and remain at the residence, limiting activities and was banned from travelling
Since then, Lula during his limited activity can be seen wearing a hat so as to dissimulate head surgery. During his absence presidential duties were mostly by Vice-president Gerardo Alckmin.
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