MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, July 27th 2024 - 04:19 UTC


  • Wednesday, June 27th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Looking back with the advantage of hindsight

    Air Force Pablo Carballo in 1982

    Twenty five years alter the end of the Falklands War Argentine Air Force Comodoro Pablo Carballo still defines himself as a combatant, as opposed to being “a former or ex combatant” of the 1982 war. “Ex-combatant would mean that I no longer fight on” he explains.

  • Wednesday, June 27th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Kirchner congratulates Brown and calls for Falklands' discussions

    In a message to incoming British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Argentine president Nestor Kirchner renewed his administration's “indeclinable willingness” to resume the delayed Falklands/Malvinas Islands negotiations process

  • Wednesday, June 27th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentine energy crisis affects 5.000 manufacturing plants

    Almost 5.000 manufacturing plants have suffered from the latest electricity and gas restrictions, warned Argentina's Industrial Union, UIA, with blackouts equivalent to 40% of energy demand in a six to eight hours daily band.

  • Tuesday, June 26th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Petrobras signs contract to explore for gas in Santa Cruz

    The Patagonian province of Santa Cruz and Petrobras signed an agreement for the exploration of two gas basins in the extreme south of Argentina, plus the possibility of further concessions to another foreign company.

  • Monday, June 25th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentina's inflation record controversy to be aired in Congress

    In all Argentine cities with a local index measuring the evolution of retail prices, inflation last May was double that registered in the capital Buenos Aires, reported Monday the National Statistics and Census Office, Indec.

  • Monday, June 25th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    International banks forecast slower growth in Argentina

    Economic activity in Argentina is forecasted to moderate in the second half of this year and in 2008 as investment decelerates in spite of strong domestic demand and overseas favorable conditions, according to the International Institute of Finance, (IIF) the lobby representing the world?s largest banks.

  • Monday, June 25th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Argentina's fisheries exports' volume drops 20% in five months

    Shrimp exports totalled 15,119 at a value of USD 95.5 million in the first five months this year

    During the first five months of 2007, Argentina exported 214,373 tonnes of fish and shellfish worth 411.3 million US dollars which represents a 20% drop in export volume compared to the same period of 2006, according to statistics from the National Service of Health and Agro-Foods, Senasa.

  • Sunday, June 24th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Air travel scary in South America

    “controllers have to be more sufficiently trained” said Baumgartner, President of Controllers' Associations

    Flying through South America's busiest airports has become frightening and time-consuming for passengers and pilots alike as a surge in travelers overwhelms under funded air traffic control systems.

  • Sunday, June 24th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Double setback for President Kirchner electoral machine

    The time has come to talk less do more” said Mauricio Macri

    Double setback for Argentine president Nestor Kirchner: in Buenos Aires City his hand picked mayor candidate was defeated by a landslide in the run off and in the extreme south province of Tierra del Fuego a woman belonging to the most fierce opposition group in Congress was elected governor.

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Buenos Aires set for mayoral poll

    Mayor candidates Mauricio Macri and Daniel Filmus

    Buenos Aires goes to the polls Sunday to elect its mayor in a runoff election, which the Argentine right- wing appears set to win and which could take wind out of the sails of the government ahead of the October 28 presidential election.