The Argentine fisheries industry and unions have warned that the coming squid and prawn seasons are imperiled because of the drop in international prices and rising domestic costs.
Argentina's Lower House Budget Committee gave this week majority support to the extension of the controversial Economic Emergency Act, passed during the 2002 crisis, until December, 2008.
China is interested in exploring for hydrocarbons on continental Argentina and in the South Atlantic, revealed Beijing's new ambassador in Buenos Aires Zeng Gang. He also said that talks for a possible joint undertaking offshore with Argentina's oil corporation Enarsa are also advancing.
According to the first reports late frosts in early November could have cut Argentina's expected wheat production by an estimate of 1.5 to 2 million tons according to wheat farmers organizations.
United States wheat futures soared Wednesday as Argentina stirred up fears about global tightness by announcing a suspension of wheat export registrations until it assesses the impact of recent frosts.
Argentine fish and shellfish exports during the first ten months of 2007 dropped 14% in volume and 15% in value compared to the same period a year ago, according to statistics from the National Food Safety and Quality Service (SENASA).
The governments of Chile and Argentina will sign an agreement this week pushing forward the development of another massive bi-national mining project. The deal is intended to hurry approval of work at Las Flechas mineral deposits by using existing treaties and protocols to govern its construction.
Exports of Argentine wine are set to rise 20% this year to record levels, with a weak local currency giving the country's vineyards a competitive edge, according to a study published over the weekend.
The decline in squid prices along with a rise in operation costs has made Argentine jigger vessels shipowners anxious about their situation, according to the new head of the Argentine Chamber of Jigger Fishing Vessels Shipowners (CAPA), Fernando Georgiadis.
Argentina is assessing the environmental impact of the wrecked Liberian flagged Canadian cruiser Explorer and will closely monitor events as well as demand stricter conditions for cruise operators in Antarctic waters.