Oil prices tumbled on Wednesday to a 16-month low amid more evidence that the economic downturn was drying up energy demand. Light, sweet crude on the New York Mercantile Exchange - the benchmark price - settled at 66.75 US dollars, around five dollars lower than the day's high.
Representatives of global minerals giant, BHP Billiton, were in the Falkland Islands last week laying the groundwork for a Southern Ocean drilling programme, which they hope will begin in some 12 to 18 months time.
Brazil's government managed oil and gas corporation Petrobras set a new production record in September with 1.897.563 barrels/day, surpassing the volume extracted in the previous month by 12.400 barrels, or 1%. Compared to a year ago, the increase was 7.26%.
More than 50 countries have alerted the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that they are considering utilizing nuclear power, announced this week the head of the United Nations body.
British consumers hit by the credit crunch had something to smile about at last when petrol dipped below the £1 a litre mark for the first time this year. There was more cheer for travellers when two major UK airlines - British Airways and Virgin Atlantic - announced a reduction in fuel surcharges.
The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, has brought forward an emergency meeting to discuss the effect of the global financial crisis on oil markets. The announcement was made public when oil prices plunged below 67 USD the barrel.
Oil prices fell sharply on Wednesday as investors and officials said the global financial crisis could slash demand for energy. The price of crude oil for future delivery dropped more than 4 USD or more than 5%, to 74.50 USD a barrel during trading in New York.
The 35.000 tonnes Liberian cargo ship, built in 1977 Fedra lies in two pieces adjacent to the Lighthouse at Europa Point, Gibraltar.
Chile is in summer time with clocks having advanced sixty minutes during the weekend. This means that Chile's Dalylight Summer time is three hours behind Greenwish mean time.
The price of crude oil has now plunged by almost 50% since striking record high levels above 147 US dollars per barrel on July 11. Trading on Friday was below 80 US dollars a barrel as demand declines amid a worsening economic outlook caused by a global credit crisis.