This year’s Falkland Islands season has been much quieter than usual with over 19.000 passengers to the first week of March mainly because of cancellations due to weather and technical issues with a handful related to the political situation created by Argentine harassment early on the season, according to industry sources in the Islands.
The Argentine government demands to control the Falkland Islands against the wishes of the people who live there are fundamentally incompatible with modern democratic values and attempts to intimidate the Islanders must cease, said Foreign Secretary William Hague in an update to Parliament.
Under the heading of “Malvinas: British” the influential Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo describes the 99.8% result of the Falklands referendum as a “compelling defeat” for the Argentine government and a litigation hard to sustain when international law rests more on the peoples’ perspective than in the historic, real or imaginary territorial possession.
The Canadian government said on Wednesday that the results of the Falkland Islands referendum are “very clear” and “only” the people of the Islands are entitled to decide on their future. However the European Commission refused to get involved in the discussion arguing it is an “internal affair” of an EU member.
The Argentine Congress in extraordinary sessions held on Wednesday in both Houses unanimously rejected the Falkland Islands referendum in which the local population overwhelmingly decided to remain as a British Overseas Territory.
“President Cristina Fernandez, we have sent you a message: we have absolutely no desire to be ruled by the Government in Buenos Aires and we hope that now you might respect that”, said the spokesperson for the Falklands’ elected government in the aftermath of the referendum which showed the Islanders almost unanimously (99.8% of ballots) want to remain a British Overseas Territory.
Following the resounding results from this weekend’s referendum Falkland Islands delegates will tour the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America to drum up support for their right to self-determination.
Argentine President Cristina Fernández rejected the referendum held at the Falklands/Malvinas Islands, and assured it was a parody likening to a “squatters’ condominium meeting” who illegally live in an occupied territory.
The Argentine congress is holding on Wednesday an extraordinary session to strongly reject the resounding Falklands/Malvinas referendum in which the Islanders overwhelmingly voted to remain a British Overseas Territory. Two statements have been drafted and will be discussed simultaneously at the Lower House and the Senate.
The US State Department spokesperson said on Tuesday that Washington’s formal position regarding the Falklands/Malvinas despite the democratic referendum results, “has not changed: we recognize de facto UK administration of the Islands, but we take no position on sovereignty claims”.