Gibraltar Chief Minister Peter Caruana accused the British Foreign Office of failing to defend Gibraltar's interests adequately in the on-going cruise liner dispute with Spain
The board of Falkland Islands Holdings PLC (FIH) is pleased to announce the purchase of 21.6% of the issued share capital of Portsmouth Harbour Ferry Company public limited company (PHFC) as a long term investment.
Britain's Opposition Leader Michael Howard paid a visit to Gibraltar this Monday on a whirlwind tour to promote the Conservative Party vote for the European Elections.
Biological links between Patagonian toothfish and Antarctic ice fish is the main purpose of a 61 days scientific research cruise which began this week when the US flagged Nathaniel B. Palmer left Punta Arenas port.
A third application to the Supreme Court of Western Australia has seen a Chilean fishermen arrested aboard the fishing vessel Viarsa 1 allowed to return home before he faces trial in October.
The Falkland Islands Development Board met at the Chamber of Commerce this morning.
Five Falklands' business people visited the Shetland Islands last week, investigating the potential of aquaculture.
Falkland Islands Councillor Mike Summers said that no approach has been made by Argentina for the inauguration of the Argentine War Memorial at Darwin.
Tories pledge no surrender on sovereignty; Ban on cruises wins support; Gibraltar at Euro Maritime Conference; Gibraltar invites Spanish journalists.
Education remains priority in 2004/2005 budget plan. Petrol price rises twelve pence per litre. No new radio manager. Pilgrimage 2002 study. Landing Day at San Carlos.