Battle Day ceremonies in the Falkland Islands and in London this weekend (December 8th and 9th) commemorate the Battle of the Falkland Islands on 8th December, 1914. Wreaths are laid every year at the Battle Memorial in Stanley and at the Cenotaph in the heart of London.
Falklands Conservation has appointed thirty trustees at its first annual general meeting in London under its new structure requiring that trustees be elected by the membership instead of being chosen by existing trustees as previously. Because there were exactly thirty nominations for the maximum of thirty places, all the trustees were elected. Fourteen are from the Falkland Islands and sixteen from the United Kingdom.
En su primer asamblea general anual celebrada en Londres, la Falklands Conservation designó treinta nuevos directores de acuerdo a los flamantes estatutos que exigen que esas designaciones se hagan a partir de la masa de asociados y no electos por los directores en ejercicio como hasta ahora. En vista que habían exactamente treinta nominados para un máximo de treinta bancas, todos los directores resultaron electos. Catorce son de las Falklands-Malvinas y dieciséis del Reino Unido.