While Russia's invasion of Ukraine rages on, conventional hardware grabbing the headlines has come in addition to cyber attacks hitting forces where it hurts. Ciaran Martin, the former CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre, says Russia started its illegal campaign by successfully targeting Ukrainian satellite communications.
Argentine controversial ambassador to China, Sabiuo Vaca Narvaja openly supported Beijing's position condemning US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visit to Taiwan, which he described as a provocation and a problem for the international community.
Located in a part of the world with numerous and evolving security challenges not least North Korea, an aggressive neighbor with nuclear weapons and the largest per capita standing army in the world, South Korea has earned a solid reputation as a high quality military equipment manufacturer for land, air, sea and space, and could in a near future have the Argentine Air Force as one of its clients..
China Friday imposed an entry ban on its territory against US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the entourage accompanying her earlier this week to Taiwan in defiance of Beijing's advice not to fuel tensions regarding what the Asian country considers to be a rogue province.
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Saturday warned that the current war in Ukraine and other conflicts worldwide might repeat the disastrous experience that people there in Hiroshima went through 77 years ago.
With the Ukrainian war still raging and making arrangements ahead of next winter, Germany despite its original pledges and with a coalition that includes the Green party, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has admitted for the first time that the country could put off the retirement of its nuclear power grid.
The benchmark for world food commodity prices declined significantly in July, with major cereal and vegetable oil prices recording double-digit percentage declines, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has reported.
London’s insurance industry is gearing up to cover Ukrainian grain and fertilizer shipments via a safe corridor, which could require up to US$50 million per insured cargo, industry sources said this week.
The British embassy in Santiago has announced that applications for United Kingdom Chevening Scholarship for the 2023/24 academic year opened on August 2 until November first 2022, via chevening.org.apply
A shipment of 5,2 tons of cocaine bound for the Netherlands was seized in June, the Dutch police reported. An Uruguayan company involved in the shipment of 4,5 tons of cocaine was definitively closed by the government. An attempt to introduce cocaine in coffee bags to Europe was caught in Brazil, as well as another intended shipment of 4,5 tons of cocaine destined for Antwerp.