Headlines: Are you being served? Police court saga over at last; Titterington returns to AG's Chambers; Chevening scholars to visit; A serene start to the weekend.
Unemployment in Argentina for the first time in thirteen years dropped below two digits to 8.7% in the last quarter of 2006 according to Senator and First Lady Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner currently visiting France.
President Nestor Kirchner administration is unfailingly heading towards populism and the accumulation of so much power in two or three people plus having the Executive control the other branches of government is highly negative for Argentina, said French political scientist Alain Touraine.
Representatives from Uruguay and Argentina will sit to dialogue about the pulp mill controversy at the end of February or beginning of March in Madrid, according to diplomatic sources in Montevideo.
War veteran Simon Weston yesterday urged the UK Government to make a clear statement about the Falkland Islands' future, to allay local concerns about Argentine interference.
Argentine president Nestor Kirchner named a new Agriculture and Livestock Secretary Wednesday, a day before a crucial meeting with farmers associations that have been bitterly complaining about the administration's current camp policies.
The president of the Mercosur representatives Standing Committee, Carlos Alvarez said the block faces exceptional conditions for fulfilling its integration but also warned about the Mercosur skeptics.
The Organization of American States Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza said he hoped the lack of dialogue with Cuba is only temporary recalling that the majority of OAS members have bilateral relations with the island's government.
United States president George Bush will be visiting Uruguay next March 8/9 as part of a Latinamerican tour that also includes Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia, was announced Wednesday in Montevideo.
Argentina's first couple, a power pair often compared to Bill and Hillary Clinton, won't say whether it will be a his or hers candidacy in this year's presidential election.