Brazilian authorities announced Tuesday the South American country's decision to join the Organization of 13 Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and 10 observer nations, commonly referred to as OPEC+. According to Mines and Energy Minister Alexandre Silveira, the move would in in line with Brazil's goals and would not collide with its environmental commitments. Brazil will participate in the OPEC Cooperation Charter, a forum for discussing oil market strategies without binding obligations to follow cartel policies like production cuts.
Argentina's Economy Minister Luis Toto Caputo and his Brazilian Energy Counterpart Alexandre Silveira signed Monday on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro an agreement whereby gas from Vaca Muerta will be pumped starting next year, reaching 30 million cubic meters per day as from 2030, which is the same volume that South America's largest country used to buy from Bolivia.
Given that some 400,000 households in São Paulo were without electricity on Monday after problems caused by a storm last Friday, federal Energy Minister Alexandre Silveira gave suppliers Enel 3 days to fully restore supply, Agencia Brasil reported.
Brazil's National Electric System Operator (ONS) suggested the federal government implement a summer daylight saving time scheme as part of its contingency plan, Agencia Brasil reported Thursday. The measure is now under evaluation with a decision due in the coming days, according to Energy Minister Alexandre Silveira, who also explained that even if adopted, it may not necessarily last the whole summer.
Effective Jan. 1, 2024, South America's largest country will join the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Brazil's Minister of Mines and Energy Alexandre Silveira announced this week after participating virtually in a meeting with other colleagues from the bloc.
A major-scale power outage left all of Brazil's states but one in the dark on Tuesday morning while the causes for such an event are still under investigation, it was reported. However, the National Electric System Operator (ONS) said that the reasons for the blackout and why the power grids linking the north and south of the country were separate issues. Authorities in South America's largest country said supply was back to normal after six hours.