Following President Javier Milei's Decree 137/2025, Manuel José García-Mansilla was sworn in Thursday as a new Justice of Argentina's Supreme Court (CSJN) in a ceremony attended by Chief Justice Horacio Rosatti, Deputy Chief Justice Carlos Rosenkrantz, and Justice Ricardo Lorenzetti. Thus, the CSJN once again has four members after Juan Carlos Maqueda's retirement in December.
Add your comment!Buenos Aires Federal Judge Ariel Lijo Thursday ordered the Madrid-based Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) to strike from its dictionary the fifth meaning of the word judío/a (Jewish) which applies to any person greedy or usurious, even though it is noted that its use is offensive or discriminatory. The magistrate, who is no other than President Javier Milei's choice to fill the already existing vacancy on the Supreme Court (CSJN), argued that such a construction constituted hate speech that incites discrimination on religious grounds.
Former Judge Eduardo Freiler filed Monday a criminal complaint against President Javier Milei for saying during his appearance last Frida at the Llao Llao Forum in Bariloche that whoever evades taxes was a hero for being able to escape from the State's claws. In Freiler's view, Milei committed an “apology of crime” and an “instigation to commit a crime,” in addition to other charges.
Argentine President Javier Milei took heavy flak Thursday after signing a decree Wednesday whereby he nominated Buenos Aires City Federal Judge Ariel Lijo to fill the Supreme Court (CSJN) vacancy left by Justice Elena Highton de Nolasco when she retired in 2021. The head of state also singled out Manuel García-Mansilla to take over from sitting Justice Juan Carlos Maqueda who will be reaching the mandatory retirement age later this year.