A decrease in Argentina's trade surplus this year would make it difficult for the federal government to end the current restrictions on imports, which force companies to file an affidavit in order to obtain authorization, the Argentine Importers Chamber (CIRA) said this week, only days after the country’s 2014 trade data was revealed to be the worst since 2001.
Ladies in distress, particularly in summer time when going swimming is a ritual in Argentina: in effect because of the imports restrictions and lack of sufficient dollars, tampons are in short supply. They had been scarce all along the year but the situation peaked now that summer holidays have taken off.
The head of the Importers Chamber of Argentina, Diego Pérez Santisteban, warned that the new imports controls applied by the government “is complicated,” and affects the bigger companies more than the small and medium ones of the sector.
While Argentina’s Mercosur trade partners have adopted a cautious attitude regarding the latest measures that make it more cumbersome and bureaucratic to sell to Argentina, the country’s manufacturers and importers have warned of the consequences and called for a more balanced approach to the issue.