Argentine president Cristina Fernandez and her followers might be having a rough time in the current round of local elections and primaries leading to the presidential vote next October, but her infighting skills remain intact: on her ongoing battle with the Judiciary branch she managed to put in check the Supreme Court.
Animal not just things. Unprecedented court ruling indicates that although not human, 29-year-old Sandra has the right to be set free to live in a Brazilian sanctuary.
A Judge from Argentina's Supreme Court joined the ongoing battle in New York between the Argentine government and the holdouts and slashed out at the US Supreme Court for rejecting to take the case back in June. Eugenio Zaffaroni argued that the conflict must be addressed in the context of attacks from the global financial power on political power.
To avoid a repeat of recent police strikes and the violence that followed the government should review the structure of Argentina’s police force, Supreme Court Justice Eugenio Zaffaroni declared, taking aim at both the country’s police and its political elite.