Former Argentine President Fernando de la Rua was laid to rest Wednesday during a private ceremony at a cemetery in the Pilar area, some 50 kilometers northwest from Buenos Aires. De la Rua, who ran the country between December 1999 and December 2001, had died of cardiac and other complications at the nation's capital on Tuesday. He was 81.
Over half the Argentines want president Cristina Fernandez to remain in office and to finish her four year mandate and at the same time reject conspiracy theories which pretend to force the exit of the controversial leader.
Election fever in Argentina: the administration of President Cristina Fernandez froze the price of gasoline and diesel sold at service stations for six months and convinced banks to cut interest payments on arrears. Last month supermarket chains and other suppliers agreed to extend the current price freeze.
Former Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo assured that Argentina’s current problems are much more serious, than back in 2001 since nowadays “people are desperate because they want to preserve the value of their savings and the Government does not allow them to do so”.