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Montevideo, July 27th 2024 - 00:38 UTC

Tag: Fumio Kishida

  • Saturday, May 4th 2024 - 10:59 UTC

    Japanese PM discusses Mercosur FTA with Paraguay's President

    Kishida underlined that Paraguay was a reliable partner

    Paraguayan President Santiago Peña and Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met Friday in Asunción to strengthen bilateral ties as well as to further discuss a free trade agreement (FTA) with the Southern Common Market (Mercosur). Peña, who holds the group's rotating presidency, expressed in a statement his “fervent desire” to “move forward with a free trade agreement between Mercosur and Japan.”

  • Wednesday, August 30th 2023 - 10:11 UTC

    Cafiero, Kishida discuss deepening ties

    Argentina's FM and Japan's PM met as part of the celebrations of 125 years of diplomatic ties

    Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero Tuesday met in Tokyo with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to discuss further Japanese investments in the South American country, where there are already some 70 leading companies from the Asian power.

  • Saturday, May 20th 2023 - 10:43 UTC

    Lula, Japanese PM discuss bilateral trade and climate change

    After Kishida, Lula met with Indonesian President Joko Widodo

    Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva met Saturday in Hiroshima with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida ahead of the G7 Summit to discuss further cooperation between the two countries, Agencia Brasil reported. Both leaders agreed to expand bilateral trade and combat climate change, among other issues.

  • Saturday, April 15th 2023 - 08:20 UTC

    Japanese PM unharmed as bomb goes off during an event

    Kishida was not harmed in the incident

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was reported to be unharmed and in good shape after being evacuated from an event in western Japan when an explosion was heard, according to local media.

  • Thursday, January 12th 2023 - 18:58 UTC

    UK, Japan sign reciprocal defense treaty for troop deployments

    The “Reciprocal Access Agreement” signed by Sunak and Kishida made the UK the first European state to have a reciprocal access deal with Japan. Photo:

    Following an agreement signed Wednesday between Prime Ministers Rishi Sunak and Fumio Kishida, Japan and the United Kingdom will be able to deploy military forces in one another’s territory, as Tokyo draws closer to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) concerns over Chinese warfare growth in recent years.

  • Friday, October 28th 2022 - 09:49 UTC

    Uruguay not willing to close any doors, Lacalle tells Japanese traders

    Lacalle is to meet with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Friday

    Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou told a business forum in Tokyo Thursday that his country was not willing to close any doors and was therefore ready to move forward with a bilateral trade agreement regardless of Mercosur's stance.

  • Wednesday, October 26th 2022 - 09:21 UTC

    Lacalle off to Japan to boost Uruguay's foreign trade

    The bovine tongue is traded in Russia but alternative markets are needed, Mattos explained

    Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou is off on an official mission to Japan to boost bilateral trade, it was reported Tuesday in Montevideo. In the meantime, Vice President Beatriz Argimón will be in charge of the Executive until Oct. 31.

  • Thursday, October 6th 2022 - 10:13 UTC

    Tension escalates as North Korea fires two more short-range missiles

    Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held a telephone conversation with President Biden for a coordinated response

    Just two days after launching an intermediate-range missile that triggered alarms in Japan, North Korea fired two more short-range ballistic missiles into the Pacific Ocean Thursday.

  • Tuesday, October 4th 2022 - 19:52 UTC

    North Korean missile flies over Japan scaring millions

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called Tuesday's event “a barbaric act”

    A North Korean ballistic missile was reportedly fired early Tuesday over northern Japan, which triggered all alarms before falling into the Pacific Ocean. It was the first such firing since 2017.

  • Monday, October 4th 2021 - 17:20 UTC

    Newly-appointed Japanese PM calls for elections Oct. 31

    “If the fruits of growth aren’t distributed properly, consumption and demand won’t grow,” Kishida said after taking office

    Former Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida was sworn in Monday as the country's 100th Prime Minister to succeed Yoshihide Suga. In his first relevant measure and after making up a cabinet of political veterans, he called for elections scheduled for Oct. 31 where he will seek support for his ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

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