MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, July 26th 2024 - 23:59 UTC

Tag: gender identity

  • Monday, November 7th 2022 - 09:37 UTC

    Gender treatments banned in US State of Florida

    The ban is perceived as an achievement for DeSantis' voters

    Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has decided to ban gender reassignment treatments statewide. The measure reaches surgeries, medication, and other procedures to be outlawed in the next few weeks and will involve both ongoing therapies and those yet to be started.

  • Monday, July 11th 2022 - 10:00 UTC

    Chilean court ruling grants right to non-binary ID

    Chile followed the example of Colombia, Argentina, and Canada, where people have the legal right to be considered of non-binary gender

    A ruling by Chile's Judiciary where a Law School team represented the plaintiffs has recognized -based on the examples of Colombia, Argentina, and Canada- the right of non-binary gender people of legal age to change their birth certificate and mark it with an “X” instead of “feminine” or “masculine,” it was reported in Santiago.

  • Tuesday, May 10th 2022 - 10:20 UTC

    Gender Identity Law in Argentina already 10 years old

    The number of gender rectifications requested in the first quarter of 2022 almost equals the historical average of the last 8 years, it was reported

    Argentina authorities have confirmed over 12,000 people changed their ID cards after the Gender Identity Law was passed ten years ago, which allows for people to have their documents in accordance with their self-perceived gender

  • Thursday, October 28th 2021 - 09:13 UTC

    US issues first X-gender passport

    Zzyym said the new passport was “liberating”

    The Government of the United States has issued the first gender-neutral passport marked with an “X,” it was announced Wednesday.

  • Tuesday, May 11th 2021 - 08:32 UTC

    Biden administration extends gender identity support regarding health care treatments

    ”No one should be discriminated against when seeking medical services because of who they are,” Levine said.

    The Administration of US President Joseph Biden has taken steps towards ensuring “gender identity” becomes a protected class within the healthcare system and is safe from all forms of discrimination, it was announced Monday.