British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly visited Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and southern Israel on Wednesday 11 October 2023, days after Hamas launched a barbaric terrorist attack on the country. He underlined underline UK’s unwavering solidarity in the face of terror.
Brazilian authorities will nationals of the South American country to bring along their dogs and cats as they are evacuated from war-torn Israel, Agencia Brasil reported. The pets shall not be required to produce their International Veterinary Certificate (IVC), it was also explained. Such a document is usually needed in cases of pets coming from other countries.
A Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) Hercules C-130 aircraft was to leave for Israel Wednesday to rescue nationals of the South American country willing to leave the war-torn Middle East, Defense Minister Javier García explained Tuesday in Montevideo.
Scores of members of the Jewish community in Argentina marched down Buenos Aires' Estado de Israel Avenue in front of the Hacoaj Club given Hamas' attacks during the weekend. They chanted slogans such as “Together, Israel will always defeat terror.”
Argentina's Foreign Ministry opened a registry for nationals of the country wishing to flee war-torn Israel while the deaths of four Argentine citizens were confirmed on Sunday afternoon. Two other Argentines were reported missing.
The Uruguayan government strongly condemns the multiple Hamas attack against Israel which has left over a thousand people killed on Israeli soil, according to a release from Uruguay's foreign ministry.
In its press statement on the Paraguayan decision, the group said: “This decision runs against international law which ensures peoples’ right to resist the aggression and occupation with all possible means including the armed struggle”
Brazil's President-elect Jair Bolsonaro and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Friday in Rio de Janeiro and sealed an alliance between the two countries, although moving the embasy to Jerusalem was reportedly not on the table. Bolsonaro presented Netanyahu with the highest national decoration for visitors in Brazil, granted in the past to former US President Dwight Eisenhower and Queen Elizabeth.
Jewish institutions in Argentina have launched a campaign against British singer Roger Waters, the former Pink Floyd front-man. Waters’ Us +Them tour has been travelling around Latin America for the last month.
Fresh protests against Israel are expected on Tuesday in the Palestinian territories, a day after Israeli troops killed 55 people in Gaza. Tuesday marks the 70th anniversary of what Palestinians call the Nakba, or Catastrophe, that saw thousands flee amid the creation of Israel in 1948. Tensions will be particularly high in Gaza where funerals for those killed on Monday are due to take place.