Chilean company Lan Airlines said on Saturday it was “gradually resuming” domestic and international flights in Argentina that it had suspended on Friday due to a conflict with state-run Intercargo company. Intercargo said it had re-established the service to Lan after the airline agreed to cancel a debt.
LAN Chile halted on Friday all its flights in Argentina until Saturday morning after the state company Intercargo which provides ground support for the airline, unilaterally decided to cancel the service despite court orders to the contrary.
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has assets of almost 40 million Argentine Pesos according to her latest income statement before the Anti Corruption office. This includes the 31 million inherited from her late husband Nestor Kirchner who died in October 2010.
The Argentine powerful organized labour unions, CGT is heading for a fracture from the moment two different congresses have been convened at different dates, one of them supportive of President Cristina Fernandez’ administration and the other entirely in the opposition.
Maximo Kirchner, 36, since the death of his father Nestor Kirchner in October 2010 in the main support of his mother both affectionately and politically, although his political aspirations are not well known because of his very low profile.
Máximo Kirchner, 36, son of the President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, is recovering from cleansing minor surgery for a septic arthritis of his right knee after he was hospitalized in the early hours of Monday at the Austral Hospital in the Greater Buenos Aires.
The idea of having another Kirchner running for office has emerged strongly following last Friday’s mass rally in support of President Cristina Fernandez and her policy of expropriating Argentina’s leading corporation, YPF.
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez in a massive political rally on Friday defended her policy to seize YPF from Spain’s Repsol, thanked the opposition for their legislative support and called on the new generations to defend the “historic legacy”.
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez will be leading on Friday a massive demonstration of support in a Buenos Aires stadium in the midst of an international controversy over the seizure of 51% of YPF from Spain’s oil conglomerate Repsol.
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez used the words “Nazi, Mengele and a scent of anti-Semitism” to describe a couple of articles in Buenos Aires leading newspapers which revealed the ups and downs in ‘palace intrigues” and a second critical of the expanding power of her son Maximo Kirchner with the youth organization La Campora.