Argentia's Security Minister Thursday filed criminal charges for treason against former Ambassador to Venezuela Oscar Laborde for meddling before the Bolivarian regime in the case of Border Guard (Gendarmería Nacional) non-commissioned officer Nahuel Gallo who was apprehended by Caracas and accused of espionage. Signing the documents was Security Ministry's Chief Legal Counselor Fernando Soto.
Venezuela's return to Mercosur, the resumption of flights between Buenos Aires and Caracas, and an invitation to President Nicolás Maduro to attend the CELAC summit in Buenos Aires next month are some of the signs showing the Argentine government's rapprochement with Chavismo. In addition to that, a rise in bilateral trade of up to 60% is expected.
The Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro Monday welcomed Argentina's new ambassador Oscar Laborde, as full diplomatic ties between the two countries were resumed following a decision by the administration of former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) to join the so-called Lima Group which recognized opposition leader Juan Guaidó as interim head of state.