Bonds issued by Brazil's Petrobras ended one to two points higher on Monday as the beleaguered oil company eased refinancing pressure by clinching a US$10bn loan from China. The US$10bn loan from China Development Bank, which can be repaid in cash or oil, will do much to reduce refinancing risks for what is one of the world's most indebted companies.
Fifteen banks will join Petrobras next week, April 3, in a New York court to explain how they did nothing wrong when selling 98 billion dollars worth of the Brazilian state oil company’s bonds to American investors. Of the 15, lawyers representing the investment banking divisions of Itau and Bradesco will appear before New York judge Jed Rakoff in hopes to escape the scandal.
Petrobras, Brazil's state-run oil company, could be declared in technical default on some of its foreign debt if bondholders pursue efforts to force it to speed up its assessment of losses in a giant corruption scandal, according to reports from Reuters.