Argentine authorities have updated the number of fatalities from Friday's severe storm in Bahía Blanca, with the final death toll still feared to rise as over 100 people remain missing, with more than 1,000 evacuated. Local and national officials under the Unified Emergency Command are coordinating relief efforts, which involve federal forces, security teams, and the military.
Add your comment!The City of Bahía Blanca, in the Argentine Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 570 km south of the country's capital, was struck by a record-setting rainfall way worse than the historic 167.6 mm recorded in 1933.
Add your comment!The Argentine Navy on Saturday commemorated with Malvinas Veterans the Day of Maximum Resistance recalling the heroism, bravery, and commitment by naval troops in the defense of Puerto Argentino (Port Stanley).
The South Korean navy has started the documentation for the transfer of a decommissioned Ulsan Class frigate to the Argentine navy. A delegation of Argentine officers and crew members will be travelling to the South Korean base at Jinhae in the near future, according to Seoul's military attaché in Buenos Aires Lieutenant Colonel Ho Lim.