Uruguay's Parliament passed Tuesday a unilateral declaration from the ruling Multicolor coalition stating that no one can deny there is a dictatorship in Venezuela. The opposition Broad Front (Frente Amplio - FA) of President-elect Yamandú Orsi, who is to take office on March 1, submitted a text of its own excluding the word dictatorship and hence no consensus. However, the FA reckoned that the Venezuelan government has deepened its distancing from the institutional framework and that the absence of audits in the electoral process erodes the legitimacy of the result and questions any democratic transition.
Add your comment!At a time when all polls indicate that former Canelones Mayor (Governor) Yamandú Orsi of the opposition Broad Front (Frente Amplio - FA) is the frontrunner for Uruguay's Nov. 24 runoff against Álvaro Delgado of the ruling National Party and Multicolor coalition, both candidates held the mandatory debate on Sunday evening, during which they reviewed human development, security, economy, knowledge, and labor.
Uruguay's Labor Minister Pablo Mieres will leave his position effective May 2 to focus on his presidential bid from within the Independent Party, for which he needs to overcome the June 30 primary elections in which he is the sole contender. He will be replaced by President Luis Lacalle Pou's fellow White Mario Arizti, who currently serves as Labor Undersecretary. Mieres has been on the job since the beginning of the Multicolor administration in early 2020.