Some fourteen sperm whales have died in a mass stranding on a beach in west Tasmania, Australia. The whale carcasses were discovered by locals on King Island and reported to authorities on Monday afternoon.
Mass stranding events among cetaceans – a group of marine mammals including the whale, dolphin, and porpoise – have been reported since the times of Aristotle and there has been a long drive to understand what causes them. Long-finned pilot whales – a gregarious species with complex social bonds – are those most often affected.
An international team of scientists led by the British Antarctic Survey have published research on using new technology to study mass stranding of whales from space and how the technology could be used to help protect populations.
A total of 337 sei whales have been found beached in the extreme south of Chile in what scientists state is one of the biggest whale stranding ever recorded. Biologist Vreni Häussermann made the discovery along with other scientists in June during an observation flight over fjords in Chile's southern Patagonia region.