Buenos Aires City is looking forward to what it considers a “very good cruise season” with the number of visitors increasing 11% and the number of calls 15%, according to Hernán Lombardi Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Argentine capital.
Chilean authorities have just launched a new 4 million US dollars advertising campaign to attract more Brazilians to visit Chile. Funded by Tourism Chile and the National Economic Development Agency (CORFO), the promotion aims to increase the number of Brazilian tourists visiting Chile by 30%.
With the departure last week of icebreaker Kapitan Khlebnikov (*), Ushuaia marked the beginning of the Antarctica cruise season. Located in the extreme south of Argentina Ushuaia has become the gateway for Antarctic cruises virtually monopolizing 92% of the traffic
The world's largest cruise liner began Friday its maiden voyage to Florida, gliding out from a shipyard in Finland with an amphitheatre, basketball courts and an ice rink on board. The 16-deck Oasis of the Seas spans 360 metres from bow to stern. Its 2,700 cabins can accommodate 6,300 passengers and 2,100 crew.
The Gibraltar Tourist Board held a tourism workshop in Madrid, Spain this week, in conjunction with Ándalus Líneas Aéreas, as part of the Rock’s government’s commitment to an ongoing joint marketing drive with the airline in Spain.
The Chilean National Service of Tourism (SERNATUR) in November will open a new route through the Torres del Paine National Park, in Chile’s Patagonia, that will offer geologic and physical information about eleven specific sites within the park.
The final pieces are falling into place for “Oasis of the Seas” with the ship's future owners Royal Caribbean and homeport Fort Lauderdale in Florida State poised to introduce the world to the largest cruise ship ever built.
Pluna, Uruguay’s flag carrier began this month commercial cargo flights between Santiago and Punta Arenas in the extreme south of Chile and has plans to incorporate passengers in the near future, reports La Prensa Austral.
Uruguay tops the 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index in South America and is only second to Costa Rica in Latinamerica and ahead of Chile and Argentina. However Latinamerica’s best placed countries in the index which defines prosperity as wealth and wellbeing are in the thirties out of a total list of 104.
With the official tourist season starting on October 31, Chile’s main port Valparaíso tourism leaders say they are expecting 85.000 tourists cruise ship tourists this coming summer season. This figure is a considerable drop from previous years and could result in lower prices for tourism related services.