A British Foreign Office official in Port Stanley has denied that the British Ambassador to Argentina, Sir Robin Christopher, recently made a 'secret' visit to the Falkland Islands
The International Monetary Fund confirmed that the current IMF supported program for Brazil is on track and reiterated its optimism regarding the current administration's commitment to strong macroeconomic fundamentals and improving social equality. The official release reads as follows.
Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his French counterpart Jacques Chirac criticised American protectionism that according to the Brazilian leader impedes developing countries to grow.
Mercosur's Common Market Group, GMC, currently convened in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, confirmed that the block's presidential summit would be held next June in this city.
Headlines: Chilean Navy rescues British pilots; Papal cross reaches South Pole; Magallanes: High income tourism; Marine park in Carlos III Island.