US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned that uncertainties over a possible war against Iraq are weakening US economic growth, creating formidable barriers to new investment and thus to the resumption of a vigorous expansion of overall economic activity.
Headlines: Punta Arenas loosing to Ushuaia; Milk scare; Wine exports up; Ushuaia, Calafate and Puerto Madryn; Santiago airport and Lan Chile praises; The most obese in Chile.
Foreign investment in Chile during 2002 dropped 33% compared to 2001, from 5,622 billion US dollars to 3,768 billion, according to the country's Foreign Investments Committee vicepresident, Karen Poniachik.
The most trusted secretary of Chile's Central Bank president and her lover a Santiago stock exchange broker, were sentenced to jail on several accounts of bribery, fraud and violation of electronic data secrecy.