Headlines: Argentina says No to the British; Chile: Trade and Iraq, completely independent; Praise from Köhler
The IMF had encouraging words for the current stringent budgetary policy of Brazil, but also warned that the maintenance of the needed surpluses would be facilitated by early action on proposed tax and pension reform. The remark was included in an official IMF release following the completion by the Executive Board of the second review of Brazil's performance under the US$31.4 billion Stand-By Arrangement approved last September 6, 2002. Completion of the review allows Brazil to draw up to US$4.1 billion, half of which is under the Supplemental Reserve Facility (SRF).
A group of nine people representing the Argentine Families Commission, the architects responsible for designing the Darwin Memorial and the businessmen who will be funding the project today visited the Falkland Islands for a whistle-stop series of meetings with the local authorities and the construction firm working on this project.