The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today completed the first review of Argentina's performance under a seven-month Stand-By Credit Arrangement approved on January 24, 2003.
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed this week the second review under the Stand-By Arrangement with Uruguay, approved a one-year extension through end-March 2005, and re-phased projected disbursements over the extension period. Upon completion of the review, a disbursement of SDR 218.5 million (about US$303 million) became immediately available.
British Ambassador Sir Robin Christopher in Buenos Aires said that each country decides whether to support or not to support the war, but this in no way will affect relations.
Headlines: New Antarctic species discovered; Asmar to build hi-tech oceanic fishing boat; Increase in fuel price threatens fishing industry; Uruguayan-Argentine maritime commission lacks funds. Cartographic updating
Headlines: War in the Middle East; New management and record catches for CFL; Good news for budget; Wave injures fishermen; New FIDC manager.
Titulares: Guerra en Medio Oriente; Nuevo gerente y capturas récord en CFL; Buenas noticias para el presupuesto; Ola hiere a pescadores; Nuevo Gerente
en la Corporación.