Security and good governance of the United Kingdom's Overseas Territories is one of the eight international strategic priorities identified in the British Government White Paper that sets the overall strategy of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office over the next five to ten years.
Chile, Australia, Namibia, New Zealand and Britain have agreed the creation of a task group at ministerial level to address illegal fishing in the high seas, according to sources from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, (OECD), with main offices in Paris.
Mercosur and European Union representatives resumed talks this week in Brussels in accordance with the timetable agreed November 12 that schedules a final understanding for October 2004 when a political, economic and cooperation association agreement between both blocks should be ready to be signed.
Argentine inflation totals 3,4%; Stronger and stronger Chilean peso; November prices expand 0,16% in Uruguay
Argentina's Senate voted by a two-thirds majority Wednesday to remove Supreme Court Judge Eduardo Moline O'Connor from the bench for malfeasance.