The Argentine government plans to legalize the labor situation of some 700,000 illegal immigrants hailing from neighboring countries that belong to or are associated with Mercosur.
Armed with shotguns and bows and arrows, thousands of Brazilian Indians invaded ranches near the border with Paraguay to claim what they say is ancestral land, state officials and police said on Sunday.
The Argentine government ratified this Saturday, as it has been doing for decades, Argentine sovereignty over the Falkland Islands and demanded Britain begins negotiations to solve the conflict in the shortest time possible.
A century ago, January 2, 1904, Argentina officially took over the running of the Meteorological and Magnetic Observatory established by the Scottish Antarctic Expedition in the South Orkneys.
Brazilian Migration officials began Thursday January first to photograph and fingerprint all arriving American visitors following instructions from a federal Judge who compared the Unites States new anti terrorist security policies, to which Brazilians and other countries' citizens are subject, as horrors of Nazi times.
Chile will be presiding during January the United Nations Security Council. Chilean Ambassador Heraldo Muñoz will be coordinating this month's agenda that includes a visit of the Council members to Iraq and a session dedicated to Afghanistan following a report from the UN special representative in that country.
United Kingdom archives made public this week reveal London's positive attitude towards the military coup of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile in 1973, describing military officers as decent professionals, who stand on our side.
January first the free trade agreement between United States and Chile became effective, an agreement that hopefully will double Chilean exports to the US in the coming six years.
The Cuban regime celebrated January first the 45th anniversary of Fidel Castro's revolution with a New Year's message calling on citizens to prepare for yet another year of struggle.
In one of its 2003 last editions La Prensa Austral from Punta Arenas recalls that 25 years ago Argentina and Chile were in the verge of war, and a last minute intervention from the then newly named Pope John Paul, avoided the full scale conflict.