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Piñera yields and calls on students and teachers to a round of negotiations

Saturday, August 27th 2011 - 07:28 UTC
Full article 10 comments
Protestors are demanding state funding for education and profound changes in government. Protestors are demanding state funding for education and profound changes in government.

After three months of mass protests that provoked a sharp drop in his popularity, Chilean President Sebastian Piñera agreed Friday to negotiate with students and teachers demanding more state funding for education and profound changes in government.

Piñera, who leads Chile's a conservative coalition, made the call for dialogue as people recovered from a two-day nationwide strike called by the country's largest union organization.

As students, teachers and pot-banging families around the country joined in, the strike turned into a huge protest against his 18-month old government.

Most marchers were peaceful but scattered violence marred the protests, and a 16-year-old boy was shot to death early Friday, allegedly by a police bullet, as officers responded to looting and riots. Nearly 1,400 people were arrested nationwide, and more than 200 police and civilians were injured.

“After more than three months in which we've seen violence and conflict flourish, now is the time for peace, the time for unity, the time for dialogue, the time for agreements,” Piñera said.

He took care to invite representatives of all the sectors involved — students, teachers, parents, professors and those who run the nation's schools and universities — and say that education reform talks should take place in the presidential palace as well as Congress.

That represents an about-face for Piñera, who had avoided talking directly with protesting students or openly considering their demands before sending his 21-point package of education proposals to Congress.

The students had their own list when they began taking over high schools and universities three months ago, from more state funding to better teacher training, and a guarantee of free quality education to all Chileans. But their demands grew to include a new constitution to replace the top-down political system dictated by Gen. Augusto Pinochet's regime, and popular referendums to give Chileans a direct voice in their democracy.

Union organizers of the nationwide strike added their own list, including major changes to pensions, health care and the labour code.

Camilo Ballesteros, student president at the University of Santiago, praised Piñera overture.

The student leader at the University of Concepcion, Guillermo Petersen, credited the movement's pressure for changing the president's mind, but said it remains to be seen how willing Piñera will be to make real concessions.

Students planned to decide this weekend how to respond. The presidents of Chile's House and Senate, representing leftist and rightist parties, had offered to sponsor negotiations, but Piñera and the students were both leery of participating.

Union members estimated that 600,000 people participated in Thursday's marches nationwide. Police offered no nationwide numbers, but estimated far lower crowds in Santiago.

Categories: Politics, Latin America.

Top Comments

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  • jorge ferreiro

    The communist parasites want the free lunch. Chileans saw what the free lunch gave them when they had Allende. Pinera lacks a backbone and needs to stand up

    Aug 27th, 2011 - 07:20 pm 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Rioters and looters and mass street-violence force the Government to yield
    First, better teacher training and free quality education.
    Then, a new constitution 'to replace the top-down political system', and government by referenda,
    Then changes to pensions, health care and the labour code.

    This is a revolution, not 'government of the people by the people' using the democratic apparatus of the nation.

    Chile goes into Fast Reverse.
    Let's hope all the nation's progress will not be lost in this 'revolution' of the Left.

    Aug 28th, 2011 - 02:34 pm 0
  • Think


    May I present:

    Camila Vallejo Dowling....................

    Today: Elected President of FECH
    Tomorrow: Elected President of Chile


    Aug 28th, 2011 - 05:07 pm 0
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