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Uruguayan FM hopes Venezuela holds peaceful elections

Tuesday, July 23rd 2024 - 12:23 UTC
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There were even some worrying statements by Maduro, who spoke of a 'bloodbath' if they did not win, Paganini recalled There were even some worrying statements by Maduro, who spoke of a 'bloodbath' if they did not win, Paganini recalled

In the week prior to Venezuela's elections, Uruguayan Foreign Minister Omar Paganini insisted that “it is time to defend democracy” in that country so “that the people can freely choose their government.” He also called for the process to be held “in peace” and hoped that the votes would be “counted with transparency.” After that, he wished the outcome would be accepted by all those involved.

Paganini argued that the Uruguayan Government was “very concerned” about the elections in Venezuela and underlined that “this is the moment” to defend the country's democracy.

“Fortunately, in the region, there is growing concern about this situation. It is time to defend democracy in Venezuela, to defend democracy is to defend freedom and that the people can freely choose their government and that its results will be respected,” the official pointed out.

“We see that persecution of people of the opposition, arrests that should not [take place], and harassment remains. However, the Venezuelan people have an opportunity for change and it shows in the polls; the government still does not understand that this is an opportunity for change and rotation in power, which is the basis of democracy,” Paganini added.

“It is the moment to try to have free and transparent elections in Venezuela, despite the aggressions that have already taken place, which we have not seen criticized by the Uruguayan opposition, I believe that they should be on the side of democracy,” the Uruguayan official went on.

Paganini also said Montevideo was worried by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's statements that there would be a “bloodbath” if he is not reelected. In addition, he criticized the Uruguayan opposition Broad Front (Frente Amplio) for not condemning the ongoing political “harassment” in Venezuela.

“Uruguay wants to help the Venezuelan people to recover full democracy,” Paganini stressed. ”We see with concern that harassment of the opposition continues, political persecution, that the regime continues trying to perpetuate itself, and there were even some very worrying statements by (Nicolás) Maduro, who spoke of a 'bloodbath' if they did not win,“ he also pointed out.

”With many other countries, we have issued several statements calling for the popular will to be respected and for the elections to be transparent,” Paganini also noted.

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