A popular pro-Venezuelan government television talk show host took leave of absence alleging ‘medical reasons’ for a few days following the release on Monday of a recording where he can be heard talking with a Cuban intelligence officer about the ‘sea of shit’ which is drowning Chavismo because of internal infighting and corruption.
Venezuela's National Assembly approved a 79 million dollars credit for the import of toilet paper, toothpaste and soap. The measure comes after Venezuela hit the news with its dire toilet paper shortage.
Argentine longshoremen on strike at the peak of summer harvests exports have scores of grains ships delayed in and around due to a three-day-old conflict that threatens to bog down shipments at a time of heightened world demand for South American soy and corn, according to industry sources.
Actor and humanitarian Sean Penn called for the Dakar Rally to cancel its debut run in Bolivia unless an ailing American businessman being held under house arrest there is released. Penn, a friend of President Evo Morales has angered Bolivian authorities with his request.