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‘Artigas never wanted to be Argentine; he was too smart for that’, a barrage of twits tell Cristina Fernandez

Thursday, June 27th 2013 - 05:31 UTC
Full article 84 comments
Federalist Artigas was repeatedly betrayed and persecuted by Buenos Aires Federalist Artigas was repeatedly betrayed and persecuted by Buenos Aires

Never in his life did Artigas (Uruguay’s liberator from Spain and Portugal 200 years ago) wanted to be an Argentine, and since then all Uruguayans feel the same way, was the spirit of the barrage of twits from Uruguayan opposition leaders condemning President Cristina Fernandez interpretation of history events.

“From Artigas to our days not one Uruguayan has wanted to become Argentine, much less Artigas, he was too smart for that. Argentina never accepted our independence (1830) and that attitude is what generates all the current problems” said Senator Luis Alberto Heber, chairman of the main opposition National Party.

On Tuesday while on a political rally in Entre Rios province, next to Uruguay, Cristina Fernandez regretted Uruguay was not part of Argentina and the fact that Uruguay’s liberator “Jose Artigas wanted to be an Argentine but we didn’t let him” because of Buenos Aires and all those interests that divided and separated the neighbouring countries.

Although there has been no official reaction from the Uruguayan government which is trying by all means to have a civilized relation with the eclectic leader, there was no mercy from the rest of the political arch.

“Artigas didn’t want to be Argentine: he fought for a federal United Provinces which is completely different. The Lady should go back to the history books and read the Instructions of XIII, where Artigas thinking is clearly displayed”, said Senator Pedro Bordaberry, chairman of the junior opposition Colorado party.

“We particularly recommend articles 11 and 19 from the Instructions; enough is enough we don’t want anymore Sarrateas” (a military commander sent by Buenos Aires to try and kill Artigas).

“Lady with the most of respects, but firmly: Artigas head of the Orientals (Uruguayans) was thinking on a Great Motherland, it never crossed his mind to become Argentine”, said Luis Lacalle Pou, a presidential hopeful for the 2014 election.

Lawmaker Jose Carlos Cardoso said that “CFK is taking revenge of the ‘old witch” and the ‘one eyed man’ references (from President Jose Mujica) by saying that Artigas wanted to be Argentine. An insult or an abuse, it does not matter, everybody knows Artigas was a federalist”.

“Artigas Argentine? Nonsense, Artigas was Uruguayan, republican and federalist. And that is why he was betrayed and persecuted by Argentine rulers”, twitted Senator Jose Amorin Batlle, member of the junior Colorado opposition party.

“Cristina: it never crossed Artigas mind to be Argentine. He wanted the United Provinces of the River Plate and the capital of that great nation anywhere but in Buenos Aires”, said lawmaker Gustvao Borsari.

Finally lawmaker Martha Montaner twitted: “CFK does not like Artigas. Having read the federal ideas of Artigas it is also very clear that he would have never accepted her”.

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  • Boovis

    Now, now Uruguay, you should know better to use facts against an Argie. They'l come back with either lies, fantasies, or just change the subject. Anything, in fact, but actually present any hard evidence themselves to argue their case.

    Jun 27th, 2013 - 05:48 am 0
  • Chicureo

    As another poster has described the Argentinians as “lying, thieving scamming Sicilian Porteños”, I can only add that they have by far better asados in Montevedo than across the river. Hint to the Argentine armed forces: do your invasion during the summer when the normal horde of Argentines arrive to Punta del Este. Instruct your soldiers wear Bernmuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts. They can hide their rifles in sun umbrellas... As for you that would say that that would be underhanded, sneaky and dirty... I would just remind you that's the Argentine character.

    Jun 27th, 2013 - 06:11 am 0
  • Bongo

    “...a barrage of twits...”

    Love it!

    Jun 27th, 2013 - 07:48 am 0
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