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Cristina Fernandez has lunch with Fidel Castro and blasts banks' “speculative practices”

Tuesday, January 28th 2014 - 04:36 UTC
Full article 36 comments
 The meeting of Argentine president with Fidel Castro. The meeting of Argentine president with Fidel Castro.

Argentine President Cristina Fernández used her personal Twitter account to blast figures in the banking and financial industries, which according to the head of state used speculative practices to send Argentina into default in 2001.

 The president is in Cuba for the Celac (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) summit, where she was also invited for lunch by Cuban revolution leader Fidel Castro.

The president's comments, just days after the peso experienced a sharp devaluation, are the first time she has referenced the economy since the exchange rate drop and a subsequent liberalization of currency purchases.

“Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff and myself spoke in depth. The principal issue speculative pressures on the exchange rates of emerging countries,” CFK began, referencing a meeting held with the Brazil chief in Cuba. “It seems that some want to see us eating soup again, but with a fork. Who? The usual”.

“Those who kept your savings in 2001 and we had to pay you back, with the Boden 12 [bond]. The banks: only through them can all the market's speculative actions be carried out,” she concluded on the social networking site“.

Having told Argentine media on Sunday that she had received a lunch invitation from Castro, she subsequently used Twitter to give details of the encounter.

”Yesterday, an unforgettable Sunday. Together with [daughter] Florencia, Fidel's invitation to lunch with family. Really lovely,“ the president explained in the first of a series of messages published on the social networking portal.

”I was enchanted, by Fidel, the lunch, the family, the photos, by everything. Florencia and I enjoyed the lunch and dessert a great deal,“ she added, also stating that her and Castro spoke extensively on the subject of late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez: sharing ”Indelible memories, infinite nostalgia”

The two-day Celac second summit, this time in Havana officially begins on Tuesday 28. It is Cristina Fernandez first overseas trip since last year recovering from cranium surgery and cardio-vascular tests.

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  • ilsen

    Is she preparing the ground-work for a future default or major crash? Getting the excuses lined up and ready to go?
    still denying fiscal responsibility?

    There you are Stevie. That's you biscuit for today. FETCH!!

    Jan 28th, 2014 - 05:00 am 0
  • Zaphod102

    Why is her daughter with her?

    Is she there on official government business? No. not likely.

    So if she isn't there on official business, is she there on holiday? At government expense?

    Or she there to assist her mother to move in to their new home?

    We shall see...

    Jan 28th, 2014 - 05:26 am 0
  • Troy Tempest

    2 Zaphod

    I hope Florpolish likes the new home her mother picked out for her.
    Did she bring much in the way of personal goods?
    Did CFK bring her dog?

    They'll find out before long, that it's a small island, after all.

    Can Florpolish still fly to New York if she wants, as a 'Stateless Person' or 'Citizen of Cuba' ??

    Won't Ecuador take them in???

    Jan 28th, 2014 - 06:53 am 0
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