Venezuela's Congress on Tuesday requested a criminal investigation of opposition deputy Maria Corina Machado for crimes including treason in relation to her involvement in anti-government protests that have left at least 28 dead.
The US National Security Agency has created a surveillance system that is recording all the phone calls in an undisclosed foreign country, allowing it to play back any conversation up to 30 days later, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
Two new deputy governors have been named at the Bank of England, as part of a radical shake-up by governor Mark Carney. Ben Broadbent will become deputy governor responsible for monetary policy, and Nemat Shafik will take charge of markets and banking.
Chile's new foreign minister Heraldo Muñoz ratified his country's membership of the Pacific Alliance, a much questioned group by other regional organizations such as the Venezuelan inspired ALBA and even Mercosur led by Brazil, and suggested that Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance could consider integration. Chile is currently an associate member of Mercosur.
Argentine President Cristina Fernández has criticized what she dubbed a double standard from the United Kingdom, due to the nation condemning the Crimean referendum on union with Russia while supporting the rights of Falklands/Malvinas residents to hold a vote on their future.
International credit rating agency Moody's has reduced the rating of Argentina's sovereign debt, moving the grade down one step from B3 to Caa1 due to the fall in the nation's international reserves and its inconsistent economic policy.
China's Yuan weakened against the dollar on Monday after the central bank doubled the trading band for the currency, which the United States has long insisted is undervalued. The People's Bank of China (PBoC) said Saturday it would allow the Yuan to move up or down two percent daily -- double the previous one percent -- on either side of a mid-point set under the guidance of the bank, which says it polls market makers.
Uruguayan foreign minister Luis Almagro confirmed that next week a delegation from Unasur (Union of South American Nations) will be ready to sponsor dialogue and help de-compress the situation in Venezuela as was agreed at the recent foreign ministers meeting held in Santiago de Chile when the inauguration of president Michelle Bachelet.
According to Reuters, Crimea may nationalize oil and gas assets within its borders belonging to Ukraine, and sell them off to Russia. Crimea’s Deputy Prime Minister hinted at the possibility that it would take control of Chornomorneftegaz, a Ukrainian state-owned enterprise, and then “privatize” it by selling it to Gazprom.
Inflation in Argentina during the month of February reached 3.4%, which means that in the first two months of the year the index stands above 7.1%, according to the latest figures released by the country's National Institute of Statistics and Census' (INDEC) Consumer Price Index.