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Mujica admits his 'most intimate respect' for Cristina Fernandez, but...

Tuesday, May 5th 2015 - 09:35 UTC
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The Uruguayan former president at the presentation of a book, a portrait of his life written by two journalists The Uruguayan former president at the presentation of a book, a portrait of his life written by two journalists
“A black sheep to power” reveals some interesting episodes of an always tense relation between the two populist leaders “A black sheep to power” reveals some interesting episodes of an always tense relation between the two populist leaders

Uruguayan former president Jose Mujica expressed in Buenos Aires his “most intimate respect” for Argentine president Cristina Fernandez and revealed that on occasions he came across her when “she was annoyed as a bad, cornered spider”.

 Mujica became on Monday the main star at Buenos Aires Book Fair with the presentation of the book a “A black sheep to power”, a portrait of his life from urban guerrilla to president of Uruguay, 2010/2015.

“Obviously and naturally Cristina has always defended what she considers are the interests of Argentina. I believe sometimes wisely, but sometimes wrongly”, pointed out Mujica as the media conference next to Andres Danza and Ernesto Tulbovitz, the two journalists that wrote the book.

The book recalls and collects some strong words and thoughts from Mujica referred to Cristina Fernandez when relations between the two countries where at a peak of tension.

Mujica then talked about the ingrained 'sexism' hidden in society “as is we can't accept the fact that women rule or know how to give orders”

Relations between Argentina and Uruguay were repeatedly strained following the construction of a pulp mill on the Uruguayan side of the shared and natural border river Uruguay, and which in 2005 led to a formal presentation of Argentina against Uruguay in the International Court of The Hague alleging pollution of the waterway.

The Court said the mill did not contaminate, but also reprimanded Uruguay for not having informed its neighbor of plans and details of the pulp mill construction.

“A black sheep to power” also reveals a tense discussion between the two presidents over the pulp mill conflict, during which Cristina Fernandez warned Mujica she would not yield in her claims despite the proximity of elections.

“Who do you think you are?” That you're the only one that faces elections?“ It's already plain clear that the pollution argument is an excuse, I can't stand you any more”, replied strongly Mujica.

But that was not the first time that the former president breached presidential protocol when it came to Cristina Fernández.

“That old tart is worse than the one eyed man”, Mujica was caught on an unsuspecting microphone in reference to the Argentine president and her former deceased husband Nestor Kirchner, who had a stray eye.

“I screwed it, dam it, I really messed it up!” admitted later the former urban guerrilla in Montevideo.

Despite an initial good chemistry between Cristina Fernandez and Mujica, the pulp mill conflict and a dispute over access canals to Uruguayan ports, were always in the middle and prevented a full reconciliation. Relations cooled again when Mujica ignoring Argentina authorized the UPM Finnish mill to increase its production.

Categories: Politics, Argentina, Uruguay.

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  • Da_pict

    Uruguayan former president Jose Mujica expressed in Buenos Aires his “most intimate respect” for Argentine president Cristina Fernandez and revealed that on occasions he came across her when “she was annoyed as a bad, cornered spider”.

    Sooo many jokes cum to mind I just don't know where to start but i'm guessed any woman would be a tad annoyed if some old fart kept cuming over her

    May 05th, 2015 - 11:28 am 0
  • lsolde

    She's oogly, as well as stupid.

    May 05th, 2015 - 11:41 am 0
  • ChrisR

    “A black sheep to power” is so far from the truth it is laughable.

    ”A murdering, commie bastard tears power from democracy” is far more appropriate.

    May 05th, 2015 - 11:45 am 0
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