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Falklands' air defenses bolstered with Saab-built Giraffe AMB radars

Tuesday, August 25th 2015 - 20:31 UTC
Full article 62 comments
The MoD confirmed in the first quarter of the year it was upgrading Falkland's air defenses including mandating the use of the Giraffe in the update. The MoD confirmed in the first quarter of the year it was upgrading Falkland's air defenses including mandating the use of the Giraffe in the update.

Britain has ordered additional Saab-built Giraffe AMB radars to bolster ground-based air defenses on the Falkland Islands against a possible future threat from Argentina, reports Defense News. The Swedish company announced on 24 August that it had received an order valued at 610 Swedish krona million ($74 million dollars) from the UK Ministry of Defense for the supply of new radars and the upgrade of existing systems.

 A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense declined to comment on the destination of the new radars. The MoD confirmed in the first quarter of the year it was upgrading Falkland's air defenses including mandating the use of the Giraffe in the update.

Sources familiar with Britain's ground-based air defense effort confirmed the majority of the work announced on Monday was destined for the Falklands. A Saab spokesman declined to comment on where the new radars could be deployed following delivery.

Purchase of the medium range 3-D radars is part of a wider program being undertaken by the British to improve the air defenses of the Falkland Islands.

An industry competition to supply a new battle management C4I system is currently being fought by Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Saab and possibly others.

The MoD has already selected missile maker MBDA's future local area air defense system (FLAADS) to replace aging Rapier weapons on the Falklands as part of the upgrade. FLAADS is currently in a £228 million (US $357.6 million) development phase at MBDA.

The Giraffe contract was secured by Saab in the summer but is only now being officially announced. The company said in a statement that deliveries will start this year and continue through to 2018.

The British have been operating Giraffe since an urgent operational requirement in 2007 saw three systems leased from the Swedes for use in Afghanistan and Iraq. The British later purchased new radars.

It is reckoned the British have around six Giraffes, although it is not known how many of those are already based in the Falklands. An MoD source said the new order would take the Giraffe force into double figures.

Saab said the upgrade work planned for existing Giraffes would take the radar up to the current production standard and would allow the system to take advantage of future upgrades.

The Swedish company specifically mentioned a future capability to spot small unmanned air systems while screening out difficult radar clutter such as birds.

Micael Johansson, head of Saab's electronic defense systems business, said the new order was a “significant expansion and upgrade of the Giraffe radar fleet with the UK MoD.”

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  • toooldtodieyoung

    The Swedish company specifically mentioned a future capability to spot small unmanned air systems while screening out difficult radar clutter such as birds.

    Good idea to have that, IF you were to operate the radar in an area where there was known to be lots of birds.

    Wait for the screaming and wailing and the “Britain militarizing the south Atlantic....Wah, wah, wah!!! Call the UN!!!”

    Part of the planned military spending we already told you about biatches!! Deal with it.

    Aug 25th, 2015 - 09:16 pm 0
  • Porto Margaret

    Giraffes in the Falkland Islands.

    When the squealing starts again and it will. We can happily refer them to your comment.

    Aug 25th, 2015 - 09:53 pm 0
  • Voice

    What a cheek...they've got some neck on them....

    Aug 26th, 2015 - 12:13 am 0
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