The Falklands Islands are recalling a milestone decision for the development and transformation of the economy of the country. On October 29, 1986 a Proclamation declaring the Interim Falklands Conservation and Management Zone was signed by Governor Gordon Jewkes. Director of Natural Resources, John Barton pointed out at a presentation on Wednesday evening to mark 30 years of Falkland Fisheries.
The Antarctic Ocean Alliance applauds the momentous agreement by Members of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to safeguard 1.55 million km2 of the Ross Sea in the Southern Ocean.
The world's largest marine reserve aimed at protecting the pristine wilderness of Antarctica will be created after a “momentous” agreement was finally reached Friday, with Russia dropping its long-held opposition. The deal, sealed by the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) at an annual meeting in Hobart after years of negotiations, will see a massive US and New Zealand-backed marine protected area established in the Ross Sea.
The International Energy Agency said in its latest report that last year the world's capacity to generate electricity from renewable sources has now overtaken coal, and renewable accounted for more than half of the increase in power capacity.