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Falklands' Dictionary of Biographies, from text to a new website

Saturday, January 27th 2018 - 09:05 UTC
Full article 63 comments

The entire text of the fantastically informative Dictionary of Falklands Biography has been placed on a new website In addition to the original 476 biographies, six new names have been added and more are to follow. Among the newcomers are Constance Allardyce, the wife of Governor Sir William, who was a respected palaeontologist and expert on Falklands fossils (written by Dr Phil Stone). Read full article


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  • Patrick Edgar

    A “biographies dictionary” ??? On an island of three thousand people without any renown cultural transcendence in the world (other than Falklanders who immigrated to Argentina or back to Britain ? (I'm guessing the Argentina involving biographies are either skipped altogether or don't enjoy the same detail or “enhanced semantic inferences” of facts the rest do lol) ...Trying to build legitimacy, are we?

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 10:04 am - Link - Report abuse -4
  • Brit Bob


    THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER-SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (THE MARQUESS OF READING) My Lords, may I, with leave of the House, intervene to make a brief statement on recent happenings in Antarctica? At the beginning of this month Her Majesty's Government were informed that Argentina and Chile had established naval parties on the airstrip adjoining the British base at Port Foster, Deception Island, which is British territory, and that permanent buildings had been erected. These encroachments represented not merely an infringement of our sovereignty on the Island, but a nuisance and an obstruction to those who were maintaining our base.

    Instructions were accordingly given to the Acting Governor of the Falkland Islands to dismantle the buildings which had been erected and to arrest and deport under the Falkland Islands Aliens Ordinance any occupants found in them. These instructions were carried out on February 15, by the British magistrate, assisted by constables of the Falkland Islands police. The party travelled to Deception Island in Her Majesty's Frigate “Snipe,” and Royal Marines were available, if needed,

    in support of the civil power. Two occupants of the Argentine hut were arrested, without resistance, and the Argentine and Chilean huts were dismantled. The Chilean hut was unoccupied. The two arrested men were handed over at South Georgia on February 18 to the master of an Argentine vessel bound for Buenos Aires.

    To believe that the Falkland Islands and the territories in the Southern Ocean belong to Argentina because of the inheritance is incorrect. Falklands – Argentina's Inheritance Problem (1 pg):

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 11:02 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Clyde15

    Trying to build legitimacy, are we? Well you certainly fail on all counts.

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 11:07 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Patrick Edgar

    The EASIEST thing to do in this World, even without the artifice of creative explanations, is to enforce your will with armed force. Regardless of being right or wrong. Otherwise the British would have never secured the Malvinas islands for themselves. Nor establish themselves on the opposite end of the planet notwithstanding the rights to this planet of the rest of the world's countries and their own existential right to the planet, in between.
    Britain only feels they can grab Antarctica, obviously to suck out its resources before anyone else establishes rights onto them, because they only ones that would stand in between and OBVIOUSLY have greater natural rights to them, are Argentina and Chile. A boat my dear, does not rights to the world grant you. Greedy pigs, I don't suppose your country was planning on saving a handful of ice and oil for a few of the countries in Africa and Asia that would really need it, was it? You're hogs. No wonder some of these crazies in the Middle East wish they could stomp you out like a fly.

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 01:04 pm - Link - Report abuse -6
  • golfcronie

    Patrick You talk “ bollocks” Nuff said

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 01:17 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • bushpilot

    Typical Argentine lying thief.

    “You got there first. You claimed it. We realize now, after sitting on our asses and doing nothing, that we want that land.” “We have NATURAL rights to that land.”

    “Your claims do not matter, but our NATURAL rights do.”

    Argentina applies armed force as a solution to the Malvinas conflict in 1982. They weren't a bunch of pirates because when they steal, “it was legitimate”. And then, “I can't believe the terrible way you Brits dealt with the Malvinas conflict in 1982.”

    “The EASIEST thing to do in this World is to enforce your will with armed force.”

    And what do Argentina and Chile do on Deception Island, they put naval parties there. Those are “armed forces” dumb ass! Bunch of pirates!

    You apply armed force when there will be no opposition. Then another armed force comes into the neighborhood, you bend over, and then cry about how unjust it is when the other side uses armed force.

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 04:02 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Patrick Edgar

    You only deserve so much of the world. Britain does not have “open credit” on the planet. There are 204 nations of equal importance who must share this tinny sphere in the cosmos with equal rights per population to all its resources. That escentially means China India Africa and South America all have much more right to the resources under the ice in Antarctica than “her Majesty does” (lol you are so ridiculous sometimes I can't help laughing!) Additionally, no matter the quality of your telescopes, the time you spent chopping wood to build your ships, or how many maps you stole from the Spanish the Dutch and the Portuguese, the amount of land rights to our world, DOES NOT GO UP FOR YOU BRITAIN! ... Do you not get the concept ?

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 04:40 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Clyde15

    China, India ,Africa and S. America have more rights than the UK to the ANTARCTIC. ?
    They of course conducted expeditions to map and explore the continent !
    The concept of fairness in land distribution, lets examine that one.
    Argentina has a huge land mass and a low density of population, so, it is only fair that you invite about 300 million Chinese, Indians and sub Saharan Africans to even up the Earth's population distribution. Remember, your country was colonised by theft from indigenous populations.

    As to ANTARCTICA, the UK wants it left with no oil or mineral extraction as a place for scientific research. By the way, are you going to tell the USA to get out while taking chunks in your habitual kleptomaniac fashion.

    Your posts are so stupid as to defy logic.

    Jan 27th, 2018 - 05:23 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Roger Lorton

    Pat the Prat is guessing ........ figures. If he actually read the book, or the website, he'd know a good deal more than he knows now - but then he is starting from a low base-line.

    The article above is not as clear as it could be, so the website is here -

    There's also a link to it from my site, to which some of you may be pleased to hear that I'm adding my resources to slowly. If the DFB has a fault, then it's that there was not sufficient room for the various contributors to identify their sources.

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 01:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Patrick Edgar

    Exactly !! You think that because you climbed a couple of icebergs your country has the right to keep from Humanity was belongs to all of us? That's your critical error precisely. You think human inventions are not fallible... that they can't be hurting us somewhere. Your culture thinks its perfectly natural that a machine might run the world. That the car industry is ruining society and the economy of natural human commerce is probably the furthest thing from your realization. Not that we ought to eliminate cars. The point is that you don't acknowledge problems with human thinking based on the needs of our human nature. You think that everything can be solved with logical expected behavior against the intutive misgivings of our humanity! So your country ended up being a steam roller over the heart of the world. NO, you cant have anything you want ! Do you not understand that yet? How many human massacres are you going to be “OK with” until you get that?
    And that England wants “scientific research and no resource exploitation on Antarctica” is a load of bullocks! Is that why you rushed their to name the place with territories under the Queens name? Liars. I'll tell you what Britain wants. It wants to install administrative power and legalities that everyone must come onto later so that it can always have first dibbs on everything. So it starts with bullshit about science and diplomacy crap, unti someone else gets serious about settling there, THAT's when it jumps and shoves in your face these supposed authorities of law and administration that god's queen says are not allowed there, until it decides what it wants to do first. Come ooon! The world is catching on stupid. Game Over.
    And the South Atlantic is not reduced to the context of Argentina and Britain alone in the world. Antarctica and the Malvinas are in a world context. The Context that Britain simply needs to yield to other countries being part of the world. And give up already on trying to rule everything

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 03:22 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Clyde15

    Another completely muddled rant

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 05:12 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Patrick Edgar

    Come on Clyde ! TRY to think outside your clone drone packaging !! You can leave it ! I swear it's safe !

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Clyde15

    If I could understand your completely muddled posting !

    So ARGENTINA has no desires for anything but a holiday camp on Antarctica. Argentina does not want sovereignty anywhere on Antarctica. They have no desire to claim another chunk of the S.Atlantic. Yes, I believe that when pigs fly !

    You live in a parallel universe to the one the rest of mankind inhabits.

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 08:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Patrick Edgar

    And I'm thankful !

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Clyde15

    So are we !!!!

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 09:33 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Roger Lorton

    You must make your parents proud Pat.

    Jan 28th, 2018 - 10:40 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • darragh


    ”the unreflecting (aka you) often imagine that the effects of oratory (and written statements) are produced by the use of long words (and verbosity). The error of this idea will appear from what has been written. The shorter words of a language are usually the more ancient. Their meaning is more ingrained in the national character and they appeal with greater force to simple understandings...”

    Winston S Churchill, The Scaffolding of Rhetoric (Unpublished essay 1897)

    So if you want people to read your diatribes make them shorter and write them in English.

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 02:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • BradR

    Why are you so nasty Patrick? What is wrong with this website?

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 06:11 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo

    Patrick Edgar

    White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced today that the United States now recognizes the Falkland Islanders have a right to self determination in agreement what the Holy Father Francisco said earlier last week in Peru.
    Time to give up and accept you are fighting a lost cause.

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 07:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Patrick Edgar

    Did on very few and far between occasions @Roger, hard to tell because they never expressed much praise for either of us. Just not the way they were as parents. Maybe they were one of those parents that were hoping to have the “kids that would save them”, dashing examples of everything they admired in others.
    @Clyde. The thing is, you miss on guessing what Argentina is about. Most British in these groups don't understand something very basic about us. We are not a society that thinks it terms of “What the word can do for us”. We are very different that way. Argentina has always wanted to consolidate what it believes is its rightful geographic region on this “planetary lay out”. It contextualizes itself on the average of what other nations have done in their own history on the planet, and says:- “Well then, the Antarctic peninsula is where we can expand and grow onto without being in anyone's face, side by side with Chile.” Argentinians, even if let's say they easily could, don't have it in their hearts to think and ask themselves “Now, where else can we benefit from, who's out there we can use and benefit with their resources from? ” That's typically the English cultural language thinking. Where countries like China, Saudi Arabia and India are buying up big chunks of Africa, we have been at it so long, that our very society looks at the world as its playground resource bin. It's terrible! We have really degraded in that way.
    @Brad, I'm really not. What happens is that I'm fought against a lot, because I say 'in English' what you normally don't hear people who speak English say. Except in America these days, where there has been a resurgence of self criticism. There are people now who dare say anywhere in public nasty yet true things about the reasons wars sponsored by NATO actually happen, where before they were confined to the loony corners. But to answer your question Brad, I'll explain something to you. Everyone one us is caused to react by what another says.

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 07:09 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    Looney Patrick

    To remind you once more, Argentines are a very violent society based on corruption, inferior to its neighbor states of Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay and Brazil. Frankly you mistakenly deflect the truth by answering through a different interpretation what we have already said, look in a mirror and see the reflection of your pitiful Californian-Argentine-Dago soul. Friend, it's not too late, despite your lack of civilized culture and what comes out in your ignorant posts can be forgiven. And yes?.. We all can conclude you already know in your heart that we see your emotionally prejudiced sarcasm and meanness you have for English and it's people.

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Patrick Edgar

    oh, DAGo??? ... lol
    pobre tipo. Das lastima

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 08:44 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • BradR

    Then why do you have a problem with this website Patrick?

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Patrick Edgar

    MercoPress? For one thing, it's perverted in its representation. We all know what it came out of, and the confrontation with Argentina that spurred and motivated its development. Analyze all its stories, apply the dates as they relate to what's going on with the conflict and it screams “political agenda” at you. Hides in Montevideo, attempts to make it seem like it's Uruguay's creation or that Uruguay sponsors it, typically manipulating the semantics of its own description in a traditional British combative communications political style, though it feigns objective neutrality to seem like a regular ethically correct news publication, hiding its true identity and covering its tracks. It named itself suggesting something that is not true. The Falkland's are not part of Mercosur, yet it tries to ride an unclear invisible buffer area. All Mercosur countries support the legitimacy of Argentina's denouncement of Britain's usurpation in 1833. It's like “mole”, using the established prestige built by essentially Argentina and Brasil to get a free ride onto hoped for notoriety, camouflaging its enmity towards Argentina, yet having the audacity to take up residency in its sibling country. But what else is new! Like Britain, and like a retrovirus it nestles inside its target body faking symbiosis, building its attack capabilities out of the very DNA in that body. Take for example most social network participants of the argument confrontation Argentina/Britain over the Falkland Malvinas Islands. They don't teach about our War of the Dessert, in British public schools, nor about the Triple Alliance War. Yet, in the last two days I've heard about ten references already to this Southern Cone War of 1864, resulting in things like giving sustenance to the Mapuche invention. I've been observing for the last six years this form of “adaptation” by ambitions British minds develop and grow on Facebook. There is just no complicated explanation here. Britain is an invasive resource sucker

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 11:15 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    Perhaps your parents were too closely related Pat?

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 11:48 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo

    Please everyone,.. don't tell Patrick about the secret nuclear missile silos beneath Port Stanley and the hundreds of blood thirsty Gurkha mercenaries stationed at Mount Pleasant...

    Jan 29th, 2018 - 11:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Clyde15

    Britain's usurpation in 1833. There was no such act

    Jan 30th, 2018 - 09:25 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Roger Lorton

    Nothing of importance happened in 1833, just the ejection of trespassers warned in both 1829 and 1832. They should have listened.

    Jan 30th, 2018 - 10:40 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • darragh


    For God's sake PE do you really think that people want to read your verbal diarrhoea?

    Apart from the delusional 'facts', apart from your verbosity, apart from your rather strange belief that people are persuaded that you know what you're talking about when you use what you think are intelligible sentences but which aren't and then you blather, on and on and on and on....Do you really think you are persuading people to your point of view (whatever that is)?

    You whinge that nobody in the UK is taught Argentine history in schools but you see, the rest of the world has this rather clever way of disseminating information, it's called BOOKS (I appreciate the fact that you probably haven't read any) and for the lazy there is also a vast amount on the internet although it is seldom peer reviewed and as such can be unreliable.

    Haven't you got a job to go to or are you one of the professional unemployed or unemployable.

    I've had my break now I'm going back outside as some t..t in a 4 x 4 has decided to make a new gateway into one of the fields, mind you the wall probably did more damage to his car than it did to the wall. Dry stone can make a nasty mess of cars.

    Jan 30th, 2018 - 11:55 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Patrick Edgar

    You're vicious belittlements are just so inconsequential, yet still ... distasteful and sad. Soon your nuclear armament will stand alone like a medieval stone fortress surrounded by a pathetic poor struggling village, until one of the worlds new powers produces the technology that will come and extinguish it, like the licked fingertips of a pinch put out the dwindling fire of a match stick.

    Jan 30th, 2018 - 12:27 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Clyde15

    Your verbosity knows no bounds. Your nuclear armament. You do know that Darragh is Irish.
    They have no nuclear weapons and they do not belong to NATO or any defence treaty.

    I presume you also include Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, France, USA and N.Korea in your condemnation........probably not as you are so filled with your own self righteousness that you think your mission is to spread hate against the UK .

    Best of luck with that !

    Most if the time we cannot even understand your use of the English language !

    Jan 30th, 2018 - 12:52 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Chicureo

    Piggy Patrick

    As you mentioned earlier, the correct thing to do in the world, even without the artifice of creative explanations, is to protect your rights ensured by armed force. Regardless of being right or wrong. Otherwise the Argentines would have permanently secured the Falklands islands for themselves. Argentina only feels they can grab Antarctica, obviously to suck out its resources before anyone else establishes rights onto them, because they only ones that would stand in between and OBVIOUSLY have greater natural rights to them. A boat my dear, does not rights to the world grant you. Greedy pigs, I don't suppose your country was planning on saving a handful of ice and oil for a few of the countries in Africa and Asia that would really need it, was it? You're hogs. No wonder some of these crazies in the Middle East wish they could stomp you out...

    Jan 30th, 2018 - 04:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Maddy

    England will return the Malvinas within 25 years.

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 01:09 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Patrick Edgar

    They won't Mady because every year they have less extra wealth and are going to be more desperately trying to create reasons and justifications to keep the islands which is what they're doing now. They're trying to turn a situation where they used people for expansionism and incentivate them to want to run their own country so they can affirm their expansionism. Britain is in a race against time attempting to use the International legalities and wealth they created to benefit themselves, to beat the Argentine claim, just like we do in the American legal system where a person because they are able to pay for a very expensive lawyer can win a case they may not have one otherwise.

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 07:47 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Clyde15


    Absolute rubbish as per usual.

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 09:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    This is a response to an earlier post of yours. Sorry I’m a bit behind.

    Rather ridiculous isn’t it. PE clearly doesn’t read other people’s posts because I’ve recently told him that amongst other languages I learned Irish in school and that in the Ghaeltacht Irish is in everyday use. God knows whereabouts in the UK he thinks the Ghaeltacht is but then knowing his poor grasp on history and geopolitics he probably thinks that Ireland is still part of the UK.


    Just in case you’re confused, I live in the Republic of Ireland which is part of the island of Ireland which is just to the west of Wales which is part of the UK. If you look on a map you will see that the island of Ireland is a green blob surrounded by blue (green represents land and blue represents the ocean).

    'Incentivate'! what language is that from?

    It is clear that fundamentally your hatred of the British is because in 1982 when Argentina tried to make a colony of the Falkland Islands (no doubt you were one of those cheering themselves hoarse at Argentina’s great ‘victory’ over 70 odd Royal Marines and a few Falkland Islanders) the British did what the world’s military said was impossible; they sailed 8,000 miles and unceremoniously kicked your ar..s and you just can’t get over how your ‘honour’ was besmirched. You then try to justify yourself by blaming the British for everything from the Mongol invasions of Europe to the ‘faked’ Moon landings via the attack on Pearl Harbour and anything else you can think of.

    Time for you to grow up ‘sweetheart’!!!!!!!!

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 02:23 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Clyde15

    Come on Patrick, what is Britain's master plan for keeping the Falkland islands and the untold benefits accruing from this .

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 03:41 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • BrianFI

    People, don't give Patrick the time of day, he isn't even Argentine. He is an American that was living in Hawaii and is pretending to be Argentine. He recently tried to move to Argentina but was deported having failed to get a work permit. He has numerous convictions for drug use and related crimes and this has clearly addled his mind, that is why he rambles on like a madman

    The only reason he is on here is because he was banned from Facebook for making homophobic comments.

    How do I know this? He used to be an active member on some Falkland pages until he was banned for being homophobic, this is all public knowledge.

    Please ignore him. He's just a bitter Brit hating loner with no country or identity, desperatly wanting attention

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 04:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Clyde15


    Noted !

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 07:53 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Patrick Edgar

    Are you reprimanding and blaming me for not knowing you were Irish? That's stupid. Why should I assume what you are? I am just responding and reacting to what I heard and what I was thus caused to answer people according to what they said to me.

    But since you seem to be wanting to have some sort of dialogue, OK then, I want to know something from you now. Do you believe it would be a 'good thing' hypothetically lets say, for the British to encourage Irish re unification regardless of what political order they take or what religion predominates? What about you... would you like to see a unified Ireland sooner rather than later, or ever?

    Next. You don't know me from apple. I do not hate the British, the British are people like the rest of us, regardless of how much they become a** h**** in these Falkland Malvinas Islands groups, or how limited their understanding of the entire situation is.
    You're description of this territorial dispute, is just completely wrong as if describing something else, something that sounds more like “I actually know better, but I'm going to make it sound insulting ignorant and demeaning, because... who cares anyways!” So, I'm not sure if I wont be wasting my time correcting you. Let me just ask you this: Are you aware that the British had vacated the islands conceding Spain's possession of them some 45 years before the Argentine established themselves on the islands and only cowardly came back after the Spanish could no longer spread themselves so thinly out there, taking advantage of the defenseless Argentine? ... That the Argentine have claimed the islands ever since, as an integral part of their territory, unlike Britain who uses them to this day as a colony meant to project their geopolitical power? 1982 was just a chapter in something that has been going on since 1833 OK? Because you really sound like you're mindlessly just repeating what someone's told you to say.

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Chicureo


    Brian has made me realize that Patrick is just not of sane mind and I'll change my rhetoric accordingly. I was earlier facetiously baiting Patrick Edgar's loquacious nonsensical anti-Anglo statements he's continuously inundated us here with. He needs professional help.

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Patrick Edgar

    lol ... oh go get a leaf blower somewhere and cover well all those tracks already ! lol

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 09:41 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    “...don't give him the time of day, he is an American that was living in Hawaii and is pretending to be Argentine...” He needs professional help...

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 09:46 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • DemonTree

    When you replied to Darragh talking about 'your nuclear armament', you assumed he was British. Ireland has no nukes. You've complained plenty of times about other people assuming they know your nationality, yet you do the same to Darragh although he'd already mentioned he lives in Ireland.

    I don't understand why you can't just apply for Argentine citizenship, if your parents were from Argentina.

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 10:03 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo


    “I don't understand why you can't just apply for Argentine citizenship, if your parents were from Argentina.”

    If he has a criminal conviction and was never issued an Argentine passport, he can be easily rejected, including residency. In order to enter he probably used his USA passport.

    Jan 31st, 2018 - 11:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    I've got this great idea...
    If you don't like what some folks say...attack the person instead...
    I didn't realise that sanity was a requirement to be able to express one's views ...

    Leave it out Chicureo...I remember a time many moons ago when you flipped with a severe overdose of paranoia...
    no one thinks anything of it...
    Life would be boring if everyone was sane...

    Feb 01st, 2018 - 01:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Patrick Edgar

    Vos querido, del buen corazon Chileno.... ya poco y nada te queda
    I can D.T. ... I just didn't have enough time to do this last time I was there. (I don't have a criminal conviction btw jajajaja)
    About the Irish man, ya you're right I realized I had done that as soon as someone corrected me about it. But still, the mistake was obvious. There was no need to rub it in my face.

    Feb 01st, 2018 - 08:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    Are you reprimanding and blaming me for not knowing you were Irish? …

    Yes because had you actually read my responses it would have been obvious, just as it was obvious to others.

    Do you believe it would be a 'good thing' …for the British to encourage Irish re unification…

    There is a majority of the population in NI who want nothing to do with the RoI for religious and political reasons. If a majority of the population voted for unification that hard core of opposition would still exist which would result in a civil war.

    I have no wish whatsoever for a unified Ireland, ever.

    I do not hate the British…

    You clearly DO hate the British or you would not be so disparaging of them.

    Are you aware that the British had vacated the islands …

    Yes, but Britain did not concede Spain’s possession. I notice you don’t mention the Arana Southern Treaty but then Argentine sympathisers never do.
    Do you know the meaning of the word ‘colony’? The Falkland Islands are a Self Governing British Overseas Territory

    As far as I’m able to ascertain Argentina only protested twice to the UK diplomatically over the Falkland Islands and that was in 1888 and 1941 when Argentina thought that the UK was about to be defeated by Germany (talk about cowardly).

    1982 was just a chapter in something that has been going on since 1833 OK?

    Are you being SERIOUS. “just a chapter”!! Is that what you want to tell the families of those who were killed, maimed and injured as a result of Argentine aggression which Argentina instigated because they thought they could get away with it (talk about cowardly)

    In summary, I couldn’t care less about what did or didn’t happen 200 years ago, all that matters is the wishes and desires of the Falkland Islanders here and now in the 21st Century. They are the only people that matter – it’s called self-determination. Argentina has no say in the matter whether you or they like it or not.

    Feb 01st, 2018 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Clyde15


    On the point of Irish Reunification, there are lots of people who think that it should happen without realising the consequences.

    Most folk don't realise the depth of feeling this can arouse among the protestant community.
    To them 1690 happened a few years ago ! I was brought up in an orange district in Glasgow with direct family links to the Shankill. Luckily my parents thought the whole thing was a lot of rubbish and I was not forced to join the juvenile orange best friend was a Catholic.

    I would imagine that the Irish Republic would not want to be reunited with a load of head bangers of both persuasion. The “loyalists ” would never accept it and as you say, civil war would break out. What the IRA/Provos heaped upon N.Ireland would be visited in Dublin, Cork and countless other towns in the Republic.

    The only hope-a vain one- is that the passage of time will soften attitudes and that they can at least be good neighbours which, I am sure, the bulk of the population on both sides wish to be.

    Any rational discussion with PE is impossible. You may as well go and howl at the moon

    Feb 01st, 2018 - 07:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Patrick Edgar

    The consequence is that Britain will have let at least ONE country live in peace to resole their own matters. The Irish people are one People. Their nation precedes the arrival of the protestant or catholic religions. It makes me ill to hear people like Darragh talk about civil war so frivolously, when what he should be wanting for his country is for its people to stay together and learn to give religion its rightful place in life. I do not “hate” Britain or the English, yet I did not invent the fact that G. Britain is part of as many problems es places it has colonized. I realize so much guilt and accountability spurs denial and evasiveness, but let me ask you this: Imaginatively remove Britain, England and its monarchy entirely from the picture of world history for a moment, Do you think today we would have a divided Ireland?

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 09:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    Don't talk crap. What do you know about Ireland and it's peoples? absolutely sweet FA. 'The Irish are one PEOPLE' - are you having a laugh? One people my ar.e. No more one people than practically any country in the modern world.

    You think I'm talking about CIVIL WAR frivolously. FRIVOLOUSLY. We've already had one civil war where more Irishmen were killed by other Irishmen (often quite horrifically) than were killed in the War of Independence. Try Googling 'Ballyseedy' and then tell me I'm being frivolous.

    'remove Britain, England and its monarchy entirely from the picture of world history for a moment, Do you think today we would have a divided Ireland?'

    Yes but instead of 2 countries lliving relatively amicably we would have two dozen poverty stricken petty little kingdoms always at each others throats.

    For feck's sake try reading some Irish history. Hollywood Ireland which is what you seem to be using as a source doesn't exist and what's more it never did exist.

    End of discussion - I will not respond to any more of your ridiculous and uneducated comments.


    Quite right about both Ireland and about 'howling at the moon'.

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 11:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Interesting hypothetical. What if the whole island of Britain never existed? Would the industrial revolution have started elsewhere in Europe, or on another continent entirely, or not at all? The effect on history would be profound.

    Then, supposing it did happen somewhere in Europe, it would have given that country a huge advantage. I don't think I agree with Darragh about the small kingdoms, I suspect Ireland would have united in the middle ages like most of the countries in Europe. If the industrial revolution started in Ireland, would Patrick now be here moaning about the evil Irish empire? Ireland is a smaller country, so it was unlikely to ever be so powerful as Britain, but Portugal and the Netherlands are pretty small and they managed to build large colonial empires.

    Ignoring all that; without Britain as a rival, France could easily have become the preeminent power in the world. They might have taken over the Spanish colonial empire after winning the Napoleonic wars, or those countries may still have become independent but built up their economies by trading with France instead of Britain. Spain would have continued as a puppet state. There's lots of variables, but it's possible that not only would we all be speaking French (well, the few people here who would still exist), maybe the French Empire would continue even today. That would give Patrick something to really complain about.

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 12:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    You may be correct about Ireland uniting, who knows but I based what I said on the fact that the Irish chieftains were unable to unite as recently as the 17th Century even at the time of the Spanish landings at Kinsale they were so busy fighting each other that they let the opportunity of unity slip by.

    The Spanish general whose name escapes me is reputed to have made two statements the first of which was 'Ireland is the place that Christ never died for' and the other was 'When the devil took Jesus to the top of the Tower of Babel and showed him all the nations of the Earth he kept Ireland hidden because he wanted it for himself'. So I assume he wasn't very happy about the lack of support he was getting...

    I recall reading somewhere a theory that the industrial revolution started in England because of a series of fortunate happenstances, a) that England had a series of twenty odd exceptionally good harvests so many landowners became very rich and were able to dabble in their interests, b) plentiful supply of coal and c) a history of ironmaking particularly in the Weald of Sussex (?). Anyway as you say history could have been so very different.

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 01:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Germany and Italy didn't unite until the second half of the 19th century, so I guess it's not inevitable Ireland would have done.

    I've also heard that coal was essential for the industrial revolution, and various theories about financial and social conditions that allowed it to happen. Certainly once it had started it had a momentum of its own, and totally changed the way most of us live.

    As for 'When the devil took Jesus to the top of the Tower of Babel and showed him all the nations of the Earth he kept Ireland hidden because he wanted it for himself,' it is a pretty nice place. ;)

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 03:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Patrick Edgar

    I hope you don't mean Germany didn't unite until they brought down the Berlin wall, do you ?
    National unity or re unification Demno Tree, to me is about respecting the rights of people. A people creating their own nation, is a natural right, hence why usually nation concurs with language and social history as well as culture. All you have to do is meet the Irish and know how old their history is, to get that “someone has been messing with them” In fact Brtain has been embedded in its history of internal warring separatist problems for centuries, they invaded and occupied for crying out laud ! Now Britain has THE NERVE to act like it has nothing to do with the creation of a separated northern territory. They are just the biggest liars on the planet these Brits are !

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 10:10 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • DemonTree

    No, Patrick, the 19th century is 1801 - 1900. Germany was REunited when they brought down the Berlin wall. I am talking about German unification under Prussian leadership in 1871, after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war. Italy also wasn't fully unified until that same year, but I expect you knew that since you are an Italian citizen and are currently living there?

    If you think a people creating their own nation is a natural right, do you support the campaign for independence in Catalonia? They have their own language, social history, and traditions, don't they deserve their own country?

    And since when has Britain been acting like it had nothing to do with the creation of Northern Ireland? Everyone knows it did. But the British and Irish governments have signed a treaty allowing the people of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to decide if and when to reunite. Things had been steadily improving in NI, the problems now are dealing with Brexit and getting their government working again, which is a delicate balance.

    PS. You can say you don't hate Britain, but your every post screams that you do...

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Roger Lorton

    If you respect the rights of people, Pat, then you must respect the rights of the Falklands people.

    Feb 02nd, 2018 - 11:11 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Clyde15


    The Irish, from what is now N.Ireland invaded Scotland in about 500AD and settled on the west coast keeping their links with Antrim.
    So, it could be said that the peoples of N.Ireland have British roots long before any English invasion and were different from other parts of the Irish land. This being the case, why should they give up their links with the UK. to fulfill a wish that you engender.

    Take up your misinformed beliefs with Darragh. He is Irish and the only one here whose opinion is of value....certainly not you who are firing your hatred of Britain with hyperbolic posts covering anything you can think of.

    Feb 03rd, 2018 - 11:41 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Patrick Edgar

    Roger Lorton. I never not respected the rights of the Falkland Islands People. I never not believed in the self empowering natural right of the islanders and their own intelligent self confidence to even desire and want to see Argentina and G.Britain resolve their dispute. What you are asking is for these people to be political instruments for a larger stronger and more ambitious nation that uses their meek partial governance to use for their own expansionist needs or pursuits. Believing the Islanders are perfectly capable of holding their own, and their rights to these islands while they put themselves and their home aside for Britain and Argentina to resolve their problem is not disrespecting them. It' honoring them. The Falkland Islanders should not be the catalyst G.Britain needs to secure its future dominion in that part of the world, have first dibs at exploiting resources, have a military base or project itself geopolitically. Believing the Falklanders are perfectly capable of being objective unbiased and supporting of Argentina's proportionally true discourse, so as to find the fairest resolution as the impartiality of human history would have it, IS very much so respecting the Islanders. An Islander who stands firm on his own ground and proposes to Argentina an understanding of its historical case in order to find the proper resolution for all people concerned, is an dignified Islander, one who knows how to keep his home, one who in the middle of the eye of the storm will pull his ship out of the hurricane. He is a knowledgeable islander who knows how to steer this conflict, who never once doubted the islands are their rightfully earned home. What you and Britain want is for the islanders to do what they need to do and say for the benefit of London.

    Feb 03rd, 2018 - 05:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15


    You keep quoting “use for their own expansionist needs or pursuits.” Could you explain what these are. I can't think of any new territory the UK is trying to acquire. Spell it out.

    Feb 03rd, 2018 - 06:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    OK I'll bight. There is no dispute between the UK and Argentina over the Falkland Islands except in the minds of Argentine hysterics.

    The UK has stated time and again that they will support the FI in whatever they chose to do even if they chose to align themselves with the Argentine South Atlantic Empire then the UK will support them in that. That being the case why can't the Argentine South Atlantic Empire reciprocate by saying the same thing i.e. that the Argentine South Atlantic Empire will support the Falkland Islanders in whatever they chose to do?

    Oh sorry my mistake they can't do that as the Argentine South Atlantic Empire regards the Falkland Islanders as 'untermenschun' of no account.

    Feb 03rd, 2018 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Roger Lorton

    The Islanders cannot put anything aside and leave it to Argentina and the UK. The Islanders are the dominant players. That has been recognised by the UN.

    As a result, the Islanders - in a dignified manner - held a referendum to decide their future. The result is well known, and that was an end to the matter.

    London did not interfere. London did not attempt to pressurize the islanders one way or the other. It was their choice and they made it.

    So you, and Argentina, has no choice but to live with that decision.

    Feb 03rd, 2018 - 11:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Patrick Edgar

    I see, you just look at what I write and bounce off by counter mirroring it. ... You know... sometimes it really does seem like you are all part of some undercover government organization. You all respond in exactly the same manner and try to do the same thing with your replies. Why is Britain so successful in the world? ... Simple. Because not of its people think outside the box. And, I knew you were going to capitalize on that weak wording part at the start of what I wrote, I thought about it after I sent.
    In any case, that is not what I meant. I should have said instead, that the islanders could for once feel more secure about arbitrating with their own beneficial outcome in mind, THAT would be “self determining” and confident; rather than blindly denying Argentina and defensively obsessing as if someone was about to stomp on them. Britain has conducted an optimal psychological conditioning of their own personal moral, starting by taking a full out war to their islands, rather than dealing with the Junta in any number of different possibilities it had, granted it could be mainly because they never did have a sense of “self”, and thus from 'that point' thanks to British logistics, they had to leap over to bitter refuge into G.Britain's authority and military security.
    Among other things, you are as usual Roger blatantly lying. If the UN had meant “the Islanders are the dominant players” (your're words, not the U.N.'s) They would not have unequivocally and repeatedly evoked the resolution asking the two parties (Arg and the UK) to resolve the conflict WITHOUT CHANGING OR AFFIRMING THINGS UNTIL THE MATTER IS RESOLVED. It is as clear as day that Britain is using oil exploitation fishery licensing etc to build an incentive for Islander ambition (or greed by only the necessary few. What a surprise!!) Here... have a read Roggie

    Feb 04th, 2018 - 08:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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