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Macri at UN reaffirms Argentine sovereignty over Falklands, but also praises positive dialogue with UK

Wednesday, September 26th 2018 - 09:09 UTC
Full article 16 comments
President Macri employed barely sixty seconds of his eleven minute address to the South Atlantic islands sovereignty claim President Macri employed barely sixty seconds of his eleven minute address to the South Atlantic islands sovereignty claim

President Mauricio Macri reaffirmed, once again, “Argentina's legitimate and imprescriptible sovereign rights over the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and their surrounding maritime spaces”, in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday.

 However in referring to the issue, president Macri employed barely sixty seconds of his eleven minute address and started pointing out that Argentina maintains a strategic vision towards the South Atlantic and looks to peacefully develop an active policy on resources, environment, science, which “includes the question of the Malvinas Islands”.

The Argentine president also reaffirmed the commitment of his government in the new phase of relations with the United Kingdom based on the construction of mutual confidence and in a wide ranging and positive dialogue.

Macri started his speech by thanking all Argentines in the midst of the current situation and the profound changes Argentina is undergoing. No mention was made of the national strike back in Argentina organized by strong unions and social groupings. The stoppage was relative since retail, health services and some banks operated while all forms of transport came to a total stand still.

The Argentine president then addressed the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and the human rights condition. He called on Venezuela to admit the humanitarian crisis, mentioned Argentina has already received 130.000 Venezuelan migrants but also underlined the region's willingness to mitigate the needs and sufferings of Venezuelans.

Macri mentioned the international fight against the drugs trade, organized crime, and terrorism and again called on Iran to cooperate with Argentine courts in taking to justice those responsible for the two major attacks in Buenos Aires than killed over a hundred people and injured hundreds more, in 1992 and 1994.

“We call on friendly countries to accompany us and deny shelter to those indicted in the AMIA case and who have red warrant orders from Interpol”. He added “we will not cease in our efforts until all those involved are taken to court”.

Macri also confirmed Argentina's commitment to the Paris Agreement, the UN 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, multilateralism and contribution to enhance global governance.

Finally Macri recalled Argentina's insertion in world affairs having hosted the WTO conference last year, and in 2019 will be the seat of the High Level South-South Cooperation Conference, and in 2020 of the TNP conference on non proliferation and nuclear disarmament

This year also Argentina is presiding over a round of G20 ministerial conferences in different fields and on 30 November Buenos Aires will host the G20 Leaders Summit, first time it will be taking place in South America.

“We share the motive of this Assembly emphasizing shared leadership and responsibilities to achieve peaceful, equitable and sustainable societies. We Argentines are committed to honor our share to make them reality”.

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  • Marti Llazo

    The economy is crashing again. The inflation is off the graph again. The peso is becoming worthless again. Investors are fleeing again. Unemployment is soaring again. Poverty is increasing again. The country is going out on strike again.

    What to do?

    Whinge about the “Malvinas” !

    And you wonder why nobody takes these people seriously.

    Sep 26th, 2018 - 06:11 pm +5
  • Capt Rockhopper

    Like all before, when in trouble, fall back on the old Malvinas Claim.

    Sep 27th, 2018 - 03:10 am +5
  • golfcronie

    EM & PE At least we live in the REAL world, your countries are always looking to blame other countries as you both do. Argentina is in dire straits and what do the unions do ( commie bastards ) go on strike and make it worse. God help the UK if that commie bastard Corbyn gets in power. Fortuneately we see through his rhetoric.

    Sep 27th, 2018 - 07:36 am +5
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