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Xi calls on the world “to tear down the walls” of protectionism and unilateralism

Tuesday, November 5th 2019 - 09:36 UTC
Full article 6 comments
Xi addressed an audience including French President Emmanuel Macron at the Shanghai import exhibition, staged annually by China Xi addressed an audience including French President Emmanuel Macron at the Shanghai import exhibition, staged annually by China

President Xi Jinping on Tuesday pledged to further open China's economy, declaring the world must “tear down walls” as he opened an annual trade fair in Shanghai.

Xi addressed an audience including French President Emmanuel Macron at the import exhibition, staged annually by China to show its willingness to free up its vast domestic markets in the face of criticism that they are too cosseted by Beijing.

The world community must ”continue to knock down walls instead of building walls, resolutely oppose protectionism and unilateralism, (and) continuously reduce trade barriers“, Xi said.

Xi's speech was light on specifics, however, and thus unlikely to mollify foreign critics who accuse China of a range of protectionist measures and failing to deliver on reform promises.

With China and the US working to lock in a partial trade deal announced last month, Xi steered clear of the tariff war in his remarks.

It was a stark contrast to his keynote last year at the height of the confrontation, when Xi took a swipe at the Trump administration, decrying ”protectionism“, ”isolationism“ and ”the law of the jungle“, while not specifically naming the United States.

Speaking after Xi, Macron complained that the US-China trade war ”only creates losers“ and was weighing on global growth.

He said he hoped the world's two largest economies can reach an agreement that also will ”preserve the interests“ of other trade partners, starting with the European Union.

Without directly naming US President Donald Trump, Macron decried ”unilateral action, the use of tariffs as a weapon, (and) survival of the fittest“.

But the French leader also said China's market opening ”must be speeded up and made more transparent”.

Xi told delegates he hoped a China-backed proposed regional trade deal could be signed soon, a day after it was dealt a blow by India's withdrawal.

Categories: Economy, Politics, International.

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  • imoyaro

    The reality is a “Vertical Alliance” needs to be built against the Qin. Those who enter a “Horizontal Alliance” need to be crushed. Don't know what I am talking about? Maybe you need to read some real history books for a change...

    Nov 05th, 2019 - 11:13 am 0
  • imoyaro

    No, Nazi Boy, I'm alluding to the Shiji. Again you don't read books... :)

    Nov 06th, 2019 - 12:29 am 0
  • imoyaro

    Nazi Boy, while I am sure you find your “assessment” based on a couple of Wiki (or whatever) entries comforting, you obviously know nothing about the 300 years leading up to the Qin empire, or indeed, the permutations of the states during the period. But I will say this. Your last statement is incorrect. I would say the “US like” state was a different Kingdom than Qin. Your clue would be “Monkeys with hats.” Figure it out yourself. Meanwhile, the current Chicom regime is behaving exactly as the Qin did, nibbling away at it's neighbor's posessions and operating a totally Legalist, draconian regime. Time to pick up a book, or twelve. :)

    Nov 07th, 2019 - 12:47 pm 0
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