Twin brothers in Brazil are being forced to each pay child support after a paternity test was unable to confirm who the father of a newborn baby is. The identical twins refused to admit who the father of the baby girl was in an attempt to avoid making support payments.
One in five deaths globally are linked to poor diet, experts said on Thursday, warning that overconsumption of sugar, salt and meat was killing millions of people every year. The United Nations estimates that nearly a billion people worldwide are malnourished, while nearly two billion are over-nourished.
The lower house of the British parliament on Wednesday approved legislation which would force Prime Minister Theresa May to seek a Brexit delay to prevent a potentially disorderly departure on Apr 12 without a deal.
The British government and the main opposition were to hold further crisis talks on Thursday after MPs voted in favour of a Brexit delay that would avoid Britain crashing out of the EU on Apr 12.
The ruling National Constituent Assembly (ANC) decided to withdraw parliamentary immunity to the opposition leader, President of the National Assembly (AN) and declared interim President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, who affirmed that nothing will stop him by ensuring that “there is no need to respond to an organism that does not exist. ” Opposition leaders expect to activate an article of the constitution that allows the AN to authorize a foreign military intervention in the country in order to withdraw “illegitimate” President Nicolás Maduro.
Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man are not represented in the House of Commons, yet MPs are being asked to change laws in the islands. Some have warned the move could spark a constitutional crisis, and even calls for independence. So can MPs actually force the laws - making company ownership information public - on the Crown dependencies?
“The Malvinas Islands will finally, through diplomacy, be Argentine”, said Argentina's Defense minister Oscar Aguad on Tuesday at the main ceremony on the start of the 37th anniversary of the South Atlantic conflict with the United Kingdom.
Scientific investigations into the ten body remains that are still pending of identification are advancing significantly, announced on Tuesday Argentina's Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism Secretary, Claudio Avruj in reference to the unmarked graves of combatants buried at the Argentine military cemetery in the Falkland Islands, a legacy of the 1982 South Atlantic conflict.
Fernando Otero is the only Spaniard recognized by Argentina as a veteran of the 1982 war between the South American nation and the United Kingdom for sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, but his case could set a precedent for another 21 forgotten compatriots.
An eight-meter sperm whale was found dead off the Italian island of Sardinia with 22kg of plastic in its belly, AP reported on Tuesday. The World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) sounded the alarm over plastics in the Mediterranean Sea following the finding.