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Bolsonaro family's alleged 'graft background' coming to light in their Rio do Janeiro turf

Friday, June 19th 2020 - 09:56 UTC
Full article 46 comments

Brazilian police on Thursday arrested a former aide to Jair Bolsonaro’s eldest son in a graft investigation threatening to undermine the president’s pledge to crack down on corruption and ratchet up his battle with the judiciary. Read full article


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  • Terence Hill

    Ironic that he was spotted by a relative of Olavo de Carvalho who doesn't share his views, and who promptly informed the police.

    Jun 19th, 2020 - 02:52 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Terence Hill highly endorses this as his favorite hamburger ever! In his testimonial thank you post for sharing: “Thanks Chicureo — you truly ARE the greatest Avocador of the Avocado! I will always insist that avocado will always be added to all my favorite meals!” ...and... “Adding healthy and delicious avocado to my diet makes me feel human again!”

    Thanks Terry!

    Jun 19th, 2020 - 03:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions”

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 11:33 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    In an earlier touching message, Terence Hill apologized to everyone here for his rude behaviour and attributes his rebirth back to becoming “human again” from adding avocados to his diet. Besides being healthy and exceptionally delicious, he's embraced over 51 new ways to enjoy the wondrous avocado.


    Jun 20th, 2020 - 01:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    Someone who is that immoral that they have defended Pinochet, tells you every thing about their lack veracity you need to know.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 02:06 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    Terry boy,

    Yes, it's refreshing to see you've finally become much more civilized and I've noticed you've not made any quotes from Cicero, General Eisenhower or a single Wikipedia reference. Good for you!

    Although it's obviously good that you have finally received some professional psychological help. Your serious case of constipation was enormous and consumption of avocados has produced the necessary lubricant to allow the tremendous blockage an egress.

    Keep it up! Their's hope for you yet...

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 05:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    That actually is quite funny. Bolsonaro must be a better father than his advisor; all his kids strongly support him.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Yes, it's refreshing to see you” as you really are.
    6 Toxic Arguing Techniques Used by Narcissists and Manipulators

    1. Arguing in bad faith
    2. Fallacies, nonsense, word salad
    3. Provoking, bullying, intimidating
    4. Lying, denying, changing definitions
    5. Deflecting, attacking, projecting
    6. Involving others and acting out revenge fantasies
    Is that really better?

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Actually I'm fascinated that when someone says something nice, Gollum reverts to instinctually snapping its decaying teeth in response.

    Ugly weather here with a gloomy overcast here in Chicureo, sort of like Smeagól weather...

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 07:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    ”you've not made any quotes from Cicero, General Eisenhower “ He is so offence to you, the very anathema of everything you stand for.
    ”A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.“ Dwight D. Eisenhower
    ”Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 07:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Ironic that he was spotted by a relative of Olavo de Carvalho who doesn't share his views, and who promptly informed the police”.

    I presume that when you write “he was spotted”, you are referring to Queiroz....

    Funny, because all the local MSM outlets have said that the police found the clue regarding his whereabouts - Flavio Bolsonaro's lawyer's house in Atibabaia - on a cell-phone apprehended earlier on, which his wife had used to send him a message asking him to confirm he was at the “Anjo's” house....“Anjo” being Bolsonaro's lawyer's codename.

    By Gollum's above post, by any chance do you think he believes he is being manipulated, bullied and intimidated ? ...and by us ????
    Looks like his neurosis is escalating.....just for his sake, below are the symptoms, which all appear in Gollum ...

    ... anxiety, sadness or depression, anger, irritability, mental confusion, low sense of self-worth ; behavioral symptoms such as phobic avoidance, vigilance, impulsive and compulsive acts, lethargy ; cognitive problems such as unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, repetition of thoughts and obsession, habitual fantasizing, negativity and cynicism ; Interpersonally, neurosis involves dependency, aggressiveness, perfectionism, schizoid isolation, socio-culturally inappropriate behaviors.

    It can also be defined simply as : -
    a “poor ability to adapt to one's environment” - i.e., the basement.

    “an inability to change one's life patterns” - crawling and leaping around the basement.

    and “the inability to develop a richer, more complex, more satisfying personality” - caused by the realization that he'll never be able to eat an avocado hamburger...

    D'you think a McAvocado's might be opening up near Gollum's hideout, in the near future ?

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 08:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transfere
    You're just part of the big fat rude boys syndrome, unable to produce one single solitary fact in support of you're
    lame assed opining. Unlike me, who evidence for everything I assert.
    ”Psychological Projection - Are You Making Everyone Else ..
    Jung connected psychological projection to his concept of ‘the shadow’. The shadow is the part of ourselves we refuse to identify with because we deem it as unacceptable and not ‘positive’.
    For Jung, projection happens when we are not able to accept our shadow and its gifts but would rather thing we are only comprised of ‘positive’ things, imposing a judgement system on ourselves we must maintain by forcing others to be the scapegoat for parts of ourselves.
    Melanie Klein, one of the founding figures of psychoanalytic theory who furthered Freud’s theories, pointed out that projection can also be not just about denying parts of ourselves but also about connecting ourselves to others in a way that allows us to feel we can acquire parts of what they have.
    https ://
    Just to remind you of your well deserved reputation as the biggest liar on this site.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Jack Pugol-H DemonTree

    Gloomy and dark skies here on this Saturday evening. It's snowing in the Andes, so it brings cheer for the much needed snowpack for irrigation and sport. (Worst case scenario is skiing Portillo as it has been given license for opening.)

    Tomorrow is prime rib with Madame's horsradish crème fraîche sauce. The whole rack would never fit inside a normal oven, but it does ours and I assume we'll be having roast beef sandwiches all next week.

    Still debating on the wine selection, but it will be very special...

    DemonTree: Regarding your earlier question about the naval academy's cadet vetting policy on religion —you need to understand our military culture. 1. We were taught that atheists were Godless agents of Marxism. 2. Avowed atheists cannot be be trusted to keep their sworn allegiance defending our nation. 3. Even agnostics learn in a violent storm to find religion — and even the most religious to question their own devout monotheism.

    I was once an innocent polliwog that sometimes questioned a higher power...
    ...what an ignorant “fearless” polliwog I was...

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 09:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I think Gollum believes everything he says. Probably practices for half an hour a day so he can believe 6 impossible things before breakfast.

    But I dunno, 3 against 1 (or 4 with Pugol), does kind of feel like bullying, for all that he picks the fights himself. Terry, maybe you should try reading 'How to win friends and influence people', cause you're sure not making any friends or persuading anyone here.

    I certainly don't think Bolsonaro is wise or right to listen to his sons over more qualified advisors, or to try and protect them at the cost of his integrity, reputation and possibly his presidency, but it does show he's a devoted father. And his sons are loyal to him in return.

    “Avowed atheists cannot be be trusted to keep their sworn allegiance defending our nation”

    Wow, that's harsh. Sounds like your military mixed up the fact all Communists are (supposed to be) atheist to think all atheists are communist. And considering people who'd lie about being communist could also lie about being atheist, a pretty pointless restriction.

    On another subject, I'm kind of sad I was asleep when I crossed the equator on the flight to Argentina. Did you do those crossing ceremony things when you were in the navy?

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 03:20 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer

    Gollum, aka Terry Hill

    No use trying to wiggle out of it, prove your statement .......“Ironic that he was spotted by a relative of Olavo de Carvalho who doesn't share his views, and who promptly informed the police”......isn't just a load of bullshit concocted by your demented brain.

    And let me remind you, not that it'll sink into your thick slimy skull, my opinions can't be lies.....they are not expressed with the objective of fooling anyone....because they are simply opinions....with which you are free to either agree with, or not.

    Talking of prime rib, I presume while you were in the NE of Brazil, that you went to the BBQ 'rodizio' places......where the rib cooks slowly for 6 or 7 hours over the fire, until it slides off the bone....on to your for wine, last bottles I had ...yesterday and 3 nights ago, were Loma Negra Cab sauvignon 2015 (Luis Felipe offshoot of the Chadwick fmly ?) and 35 Sur Merlot (San Pedro), also 2015....both of them, aromatic, lively and smooth....right now, having a caiprinha, made with great cachaça I buy straight from the source in the interior of Sao Paulo...strong nose of sugar cane, goes down warm without burning.

    Terry doesn't have to practice comes to him naturally. In order to feel good about himself, the first rule is don't believe the truth if it goes against your beliefs....reason why he only consults unreliable, biased sites. The second is, don't believe the evidence when it is rubbed in your face. Third, don't believe it even after checking it 10 times. Fourth, if it goes against your beliefs, either deny it, or ignore it.....and last but not least, when proved wrong, insult those who try to open your eyes.

    ”But I dunno, 3 against 1 (or 4 with Pugol), does kind of feel like bullying”.......whether it's 3, 4 or everyone against him, it's his choice.......from day one I could see he was the most despicable piece of crap I have ever encountered virtually.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 10:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    “just a load of bullshit concocted by you...” Hardly, because that would mean I was acting like you. I assure you, you are least likeliest person I would ever imitate.

    Just to remind you of your well deserved reputation as the biggest liar on this site.
    http ://
    http ://

    “Terry doesn't have to practice lying.” If that true how come you can't provide any evidence?
    In fact you can't show any instance where your opinion wasn't a lie.
    A fact is a statement that can be proven true, while an opinion is a statement that cannot be proven true.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 01:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Sadly, I've encountered a lot worse people than Terry online. He's irritating, but more or less harmless. And there's actually nothing wrong with most of the stuff he quotes, eg the fallacies are a real thing - and they often apply to him, although he's blind to it. But now I can't bring them up for fear of sounding like him, ie like an idiot. It's annoying.

    However, that statement about facts vs opinions comes from an online lesson plan for 3rd graders. Terry's idea of an authoritative source, since it matches his mental age. He's definitely one of the dumbest and least self-aware people I have encountered online.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 05:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    “Sadly, I've never encountered such fawning, arse-licking individual who clearly supports lying fascists. Even when their wrong doing is clearly revealed.
    The lamest excuse possible is ”statement about facts vs opinions comes from ...” and is unable to refute the truth of the sentence. So just keep cuddling up and get your lips around it. Just remember that these reactionaries would whole heartedly have you executed, for being a Corbin supporter, if they could.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 10:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    DemonTree Jack Pugol-H

    What an amazing Sunday! It would be best described as a welcomed extravagant family potluck gathering imaginable. (With all due respect to a Brazilian rodizio, it was the best prime rib of memory, but the other dishes were all outstanding.)

    We're having left-over King Crab for lunch today...

    We had 10 adults and 6 little ones together for the first time since the pandemic lockdown. The mutual feeling was that we can't allow fear to control the quality of our life.

    DT: Yes, Chileans have an illogical highly-restrictive academy entry process that even today is rabidly anti-Communist. As far as religious beliefs, the goddess Pachamama reminds me constantly of her wrath. (There are really no true atheist farmers or sailors.)

    On any decent vessel, the captain calls for a formal Neptune's court; where all polliwogs face brutal punishment for offending the numerous gods and creatures of the seas — to be carried-out by shellbacks. (Flying across the equator doesn't qualify as an equatorial baptism.)

    (Terence Hill still hasn't explained the Canadian criminal child porn records...)

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 12:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    “Hasn't explained the Canadian criminal child porn records.” You certainly haven't Ollie, but it's a given, considering the constant sexual overtures you have made to me.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 01:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Gollum, aka Terry the Useful Idiot

    Me “just a load of bullshit concocted by you...”
    You “ Hardly, because that would mean I was acting like you. I assure you, you are least likeliest person I would ever imitate”.

    what a childish reply know, when some kid has to have the last word, or the last touch ? pathetic.
    And who are you going to imitate ? you've never seen a human except for your Ma.....Ooops, I forgot, you could imitate Long Dong.....let him play you for a while...doesn't that sound exciting ? Tell me how it went, ok ?

    I agree, Gollum is harmless...a dog without teeth....and despite the few seconds I dedicate to trying to imagine what event or events in his life made him into what he is - even Freud couldn't explain it - I can't fathom it.
    I feel sorry for him...(and far more for his Ma), which does not mean we need to go easy on him....he deserves all he gets.

    His incapacity to think for himself is the result of always being told what to do....“Terry, clean the lavatories, do this, do the next”....his mug is an attempt to create a different, palatable version of his life experience, for himself...and he actually believes it.
    He never held a position of authority, so he assumes he IS the authority...something like 'compensating'...

    There's Gollum back with his sexual overtures made to Long Dong...
    and his reply to the “child porn records”, “You certainly haven't Ollie,....” makes no sense.
    I think Gollum has a set of prepared replies for a few situations, and he fires them off, without realizing the mistakes.....BUTT, that's ok, it's someone else's fault.

    King Crab the 80s, would stroll down to the old warehouses near the Brooklyn bridge, where they had transformed a few into enormous bars...old wooden floors covered in sawdust, big counters on which we (me 'n my friends from the PANYNJ) devoured king crab legs, washed down with pitchers of beer.....good times...

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 09:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Heavily snowing in the Andes at the moment. (It's like money in the bank 4X for us.)

    I never had enough time to really get to know that part of Manhatten, as we ship our grapes and avocados to the Ports of Philadelphia, Camden and Wilmington and the King Crab legs served there are from Alaska. I actually prefer king crab over lobster. (Ours were from the far south of our continent and were monsters.)

    Tonight we're having cold thinly sliced 'blood rare' roast prime beef on fresh Sourdough bread and an '07 Casillero del Diablo Reserva Privada Cabernet that is amazingly smooth.

    Tomorrow's lunch is Sunday's leftover spinach Gruyere Crêpe Gateau with mild green chili sauce, but we'll be consuming leftover Wayu beef for the remainder of the week.

    When I was last in Recife about 8 years ago, the Boi Preto was my favorite Churrascaria, but as we've discussed — I really enjoyed the best of what your country offered, including the incredible sushi. Initially I was surprised to find so many Japanese growers in the Rio São Francisco area. They even served us large sized grilled piranha for our amusement that were a welcome change from the normal fare of chicken and beef.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 11:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    “what a childish reply ..” Yes yours are so mature.
    Unemployment in recession-hit Brazil… Oct 31, 2015 ... take you fairy dress off and start fondling your dolls.” “Rousseff pledges … put on your new dress, be gay and frolic, and you might even manage to get yourself reamed.”; “Unemployment in recession-hit Brazil …Nov 05th, 2015 - 05:19 pm. ..your inflatable dolls never complain when you can't get the wrinkes out of your limp noodle, is what gives you this impression... they just fart when you squeeze them..”: “Desperate for funds Jan 20th, 2016 - 03:12 pm ..why don't you pull Long-Dong Silver out of your closet””

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 01:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    It rained all last night and still raining today. Glorious!

    Today we're having for lunch — our oldest daughter's leftover spinach Gruyere Crêpe Gateau from Sunday's celebration. (Her other contribution was honey glazed baby carrots with a hint of ginger and cinnamon that was quickly consumed during the celebration.)

    A Gateau is made with many thin french crepes, each layered with the flavors of Chilean Gruyere cheese, slightly caramelized red onions and spinach —and then served topped with a mild green chili sauce.

    It's one of those dishes that beautifully pairs with a red or white, but as we're accompanying this with thinly sliced prime rib — we pulled a cork from another '07 Casillero del Diablo Reserva Privada Cabernet that we enjoyed last night. We've used our homemade tomato chutney to drizzle over the beef which is outstanding.

    (For those who are counting, there are three wine drinkers for lunch. Dinner still has not been decided, but I assume it will be the same as last night — which surpasses our post-Easter lamb sandwiches, which I earlier declared the was the finest sandwich ever — as the room temperature thinly sliced Wayu beef almost melts in your mouth)

    It snowed heavenly as well as heavily in the Andes last night. Rain in the Aconcagua valley irrigates our orchards, alleviates the use of using our irrigation pumps, raises the water table and provides important snowpack for next seasons runoff into the rivers.

    Believe it or not, there are two Chilean volcanos now on the watch list that soon may cause trouble in the south. Pachamama can be a wrathful bitch...

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Once again, Gollum aka Terence, wallows in the unpleasant truths about himself....besides all his other mental disorders, he must be a masochist. Hilarious.
    But enough talking about slimehead.

    Manhattan (and Newark) has a lot of very interesting places, bars/pubs and restaurants off the beaten track, which are usually far better than the very 'popular' ones that attract all the tourists....but the upscale steakhouses are unbeatable.

    In the 80s I was fortunate enough to have two good friends who worked at the Port Authority, and on my first few trips they'd guide me along, telling me where to go and what tourist traps to avoid...(especially the 'souvenir' shops and others, particularly the electronics stores, around Times Square).
    One needs 'time' if you want to explore without rushing, and that is one thing I now have plenty of.
    The king-crab legs we had were caught up in Maine.....crack them open at the joints and pull the white meat out....

    “Tonight we're having cold thinly sliced 'blood rare' roast prime beef”.........

    How about “carpaccio” ? from (raw) beef, or smoked salmon, absolutely divine.......

    Eating well is a great hobby, isn't it ?

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 06:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Wine Women and wanton lust for truly great cuisine. (You live in a very dangerous country, my friend....)

    I've never been to Newark, but I was told it almost as bad in Camden where some of our grapes were shipped there. Interesting the time frame, because we began exporting in the '80s to the USA east coast. Philly cheesesteak sandwiches were really good, but I was a fan of the Cuban sandwiches in Miami. The latest gringo craze I fell in love with was lobster roll sandwiches. (Of course, the NYC Kosher delicatessens are a class all to their own.)

    Your idea of a Carpaccio sounds great, because you destroy the texture and flavor reheating the meat.

    We are enormous fans of Carpaccio and we've been spoilt with a pre-sliced Carpaccio offered by the Jumbo supermarket here that's outstanding. We love the salmon version, but prefer to use the pre-sliced lox. (As you can imagine-thin slices of avocado are an ideal accompaniment. We use Chilean lemon capers.)

    Another thin sliced delicacy we enjoy is Catalan style pickled tongue and of course Jamón Ibérico and Prosciutto ham — which we serve with slices of melon. ...but then I digress to my personal bread-maker who has a volatile temper...

    We cracked the code to the two day process to make pizza dough and our oven has the capability of the high temperature required to bake a proper pizza crust.

    As I mentioned earlier, retailers here are liquidating their wine stocks to generate cash flow.

    Over Father's Day, we enjoyed several selections of Caballo Loco — no.4, no.10, no.12, no.15 and finally no.17! The best were no.12 and no.17!


    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 09:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Looks like Pachamama is currently more interested in your Mexican cousins.

    What did the piranha taste like? I wasn't even aware that you could get them, was it weird dining on something that could potentially have eaten humans?

    Your savoury gateau sounds amazing, all your food is so mouthwatering, like having your own personal chef.

    The weather here is the opposite of yours, it has become very hot and sunny again. Managed to get out for some nice walks with the baby, although today's turned out to be quite a big hill. It was a bit of a work-out pushing the pram back up to the top. Really enjoying the long days of midsummer, we still have well over an hour before the sun sets.

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the outdoors with your daughter.

    Pachamama hit us with an 8.8 reminder of her presence in 2010. The subsequent Tsunami was devastating. Among the tremendous destruction, it lifted one of our submarines and placed it inland from its moorings.

    We were told the piranha found in São Francisco river and its enormous reservoir, are the largest in Brazil, but the natives there showed no fear and we saw constantly cooling off swimming in the waters. (At a luxurious guest home we stayed up on the river, the guards would pull caymans (up to 2M in length) from the pool in the morning.

    The flesh was firm and white with the texture of a freshwater bass. They simply grilled them over a charcoal fire, and the bones easily separated from the flesh. Brazilians are masters of grilling, including pineapple which is delicious.

    We used to take long hikes up the foothills with our children, but we quickly learned not to stray too far from home until they grew older. Last night it heavily snowed covering those same foothills and it's very beautiful.

    ...and no, we do not know if or when the resorts will be allowed to open, but outdoor transmission at the beaches or in the snow are ridiculous as we know the sunlight and fresh air is healthy. We won't have to worry about water, at least...

    One thing about gourmet dining is it doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming, but requires imagination. The use of a simple crêpe alone opens thousands of recipes.

    Here is one that's somewhat similar to what I described, although is a good start:

    (If you include the onions, they should be sautéed with only until they're very tender to complement the spinach.)


    Jun 24th, 2020 - 08:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Newark was always a bit of a dodgy place to walk around after dark....not to mention all the razor wire fences around businesses to keep undesirables out...but it had/has(?) some great Portuguese restaurants ('bacalhau a Gomes de Sá') and sports bars. Many an afternnon spent there, watching baseball and the NFL on giant screens (never really understood the NFL) preferred sport was/is rugby......Can't wait for the Six-nations and other good televised games to start again....

    Talking of Kosher delis, there's one that is always a 'must go'....Katz's Deli on E.Houston street (in NYC's lower east side)...their Pastrami sandwich is indescribable. If you go, go hungry's big.

    Think I'll try the avocado slices with carpaccio...sounds like they combine well. (with the beef or the salmon...or both ?)...not to mention the 'hamón Ibérico'...paper-thin slices of 'pata negra'....just melts in your mouth.....with Italian bread, good olive oil and red wine..
    No need for anything else....perhaps some delicious “Gordal” olives...

    Reminds me of a wine show for Spanish wines about 8 years ago, I was looking after a small booth serving 2 top Spanish wines....only 1 tempanillo and 1 verdejo...on the other side of the aisle was a Spaniard (just here for the event), slicing and serving 'pata negra'...foreseeing he would have tons of people crowding to get a piece, I arranged to trade wine for ham....what a brilliant idea ! never an empty the end of the show there were about a dozen bottles of unopened bottles of wine left....the wine supervisor of the company I was freelancing for, said I could take “a bottle” generous of him....I thought, “1 for me, 11 for you ? No way you Hijo de una .... !” My coat had 4 big pockets, so I put one in each pocket and one in my hand, which I waved at him and gave him a 'thumbs up' as I headed towards the elevator.
    Caballo Loco, fantastic, but pricey here....only very special occasions.

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 10:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Yes, I love Spanish wine. They've really upped their quality in the past years, but of course — I'd have to pay real prices instead of buying Chilean wine for far lower costs.

    Thinly sliced ripe avocado goes with all kinds of Carpaccio. We often use thinly sliced sweet onion as well. We also commit the crime of using slivers of cheese. A good quality caper is obviously recommended. (We use the product grown near to Valparaiso by a Greek family that cures fresh picked capers in seawater with lemon rinds for several months before sorting and packing the finished product in apple vinegar. The result is a lemon caper with a unique distinct flavor.)

    My two daughters know their wines and sometimes can be devious. One year they showed me a Chile Gato Negro big boxed wine and challenged me to give my opinion. I poured a glass and was astounded. It was very good, and I felt confused and worried about my taste buds. After the third glass and being somewhat befuddled, they “let the cat out of the bag” and told me they had filled an empty box with bottles of high quality Cabernet. Since then, my youngest pulls a similar trick with and empty wine TetraPak box when she encounters a wine snob that needs to be taken down a notch...

    The gypsy wenches just opened another bottle of Viñamar rosé brut champagne as they're making the Thai sauce with the dehydrated shrimp that combined with the tamarind, condensed coconut, fish sauce and ginger that requires an overnight marinade.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 01:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Been discussing the possibility of serving the beef carpaccio with slices of avocado....we (i.e., my wife, well understood) usually lay the carpaccio in a circle around the edge of the plate, placing the sauce - of medium consistency (neither thick nor thin) in the middle, (made with milk cream - that comes in a little carton - mayonnaise, mustard, & nutmeg), then sprinkle it ('a tu gusto') with a thickly grated parmesan cheese.....

    I've pulled the same trick on people.....taken a good wine, and put half the bottle in another, of cheaper wine...make sure they see the labels ...most give two different opinions, exulting the wine from the original bottle and saying the other is just ok....only a few have the guts to say they are the same.

    I am on a wine panel of that wine importer I mentioned a few days ago, who is a good friend of ours....every few months we all get together to try about 10 wines, all with the labels well is quite a challenge at times to discern the characteristics without knowing what you are drinking...but interesting to hear opinions.

    Few years back, I was told that if you held yr nostrils closed while tasting some reds and some whites (obviously at the same temperature) that you couldn't distinguish which was which.....amazingly true!

    I was in Panama on business 7 years ago, and we took a potential customer to director asked me to choose the wine....I sure did....2 bottles of Pingus 2006.....after the first few sips, with 'oohs' and 'aahs', everyone at the table praised my choice....dinner went very well, all sorts of promises being made, boss saw the bill...he said nothing but I could see him swallow as he reached for his credit card....just the wine was over US$ 2,000.00....driving back to the hotel, when I heard him grumbling, I simply said, 'you need to invest if you want results'...a few weeks later he gave us 25 teus in one shipment...the 1st of many...never heard another grumble.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 08:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I've never had the opportunity to sample a Pingus. I did search the label and was fascinated about the history. Chile's predominant varieties used to include Tempranillos, which never was very notable here.

    We have two small vineyards that are unsuitable for avocados because the lower altitude of the hillsides is susceptible to frost. A decade ago, we were planning on switching our table grape production to wine because of lack of field labor, but today we have the opposite and table grapes have been highly profitable.

    We sell our wine grapes to the highest bidder and we are actually thinking about pulling them out and converting over to a new varieties from California: Scarlet Royal and AutumnCrisp but we still have time to decide... (The two varieties we currently grow are Flame Seedless and Sugraone.)

    The Pad Thai dinner party we'll keep me busy tonight, but it should be fun!

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 10:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Those were the only 2 Pingus' I ever, a bottle cost R$ 10 - 11,000....a bit more than I'm willing to pay. Anyway, that dinner in Panama City was a night to remember....great meal and just as good results...
    Talking of great memories, reminds me of Gollum's pitiful memories.....fantasies of having served with the RAF, to compensate his failures.....but I believe his most cherished memories are still those of himself cuddling with LDS....according to the police report of last week, after that fateful incident with LDS...

    Chile's table grapes you get here, are mainly the Thompson seedless variety....(red and white)....delicious. There's a variety they started growing here recently, in the interior of SP if not mistaken.....called 'Vitoria'.......they look like the 'pinot noir' grapes, are seedless and very sweet...
    Hope your dinner corresponded to expectations...

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 07:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    The dinner party consisted of all chatty women and after the meal was finished, I retired to the library to allow them privacy.

    It has even raining buckets here today. Apparently, the ladies exploratory mission to Pudahuel was unfortunate for Madame's kitchen cabinet craftsmen. I'm soooo thankful I let her take charge...

    While the women inspected the kitchen cabinetry progress, I was chasing paperwork.

    My simple mission today was to have a “super semi-permanent” unrestricted travel salvoconducto to travel unheeded between Chicureo, Valle del Aconcagua, Viña del Mar and Valle Nevado. I was taunted “rêveuer fou” by Madame DeFarge this morning...

    There is a way to achieve the impossible in Chile, without the typical bribery in South America (which is rarely come-across here in my innocent little country.)

    Yet, after visiting 4 different government offices and the Clinica Alemana with Old Boy Grangonian connections — I have 6 individual certificates that will be approved once the lab test results clear me of COVID19 infection. (And yes, it's stupid because I could be infected tomorrow, but that's bureaucracy for you.)

    Another benefit is I was tested for COVID19 antibodies and will be notified of the results in a few days...supposedly...

    Lunch today was a McDonalds drive through McCombo, which was surprising pleasant, fast and cheap.

    We once grew Thompsons, but the yields were lower and the variety requires a lot of labor. The new varieties are very popular with our export markets and have high yields.

    The two varieties we're considering to plant are the Autumn Royal and AutumnCrisp (Sugrathirtyfive)

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 08:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “I retired to the library to allow them privacy.”

    To allow “them” (privacy) , or you ? LOL...

    Last night I awoke with heavy rainfall....the first in quite sometime.....just as well it's getting colder, as it will hopefully divert the (Argy) locusts to Uruguay....Chile is lucky in that respect, plagues find it virtually impossible to get over the Andes...

    Here we don't need 'salvo condutos' for anything......people in the towns of the (north, and ) NE and in our distant suburbs, in particular the eastern suburb in São Paulo (Zona Leste), walk around as if there was no pandemic...shops open, no masks....and are the idiots who keep pushing the curve further up, and the peak further into the future....If you imposed a lockdown, they would protest and probably burn a few buses.....just a quick note : the Zona Leste inhabitants are mainly from the NE (who are generally referred to as “cabeças chatas”)....says it all.

    Hamburgers do go down well every now 'n again....with fries, onion rings, milkshake, the whole works...we have a couple of McDonald's quite close to well as “Subway” and other fast food joints....we sometimes resort to them (or used to, b4 this mess) when we go on foot to do shopping instead of taking the car....we try to make a point of walking when our destination is within 3 km.

    California has what it takes for good grapes...and as they say, “good things come in bunches”......the varieties you are considering planting look pretty good....the Autumn crisp, with the subtle muscat aroma must be delicious......fruit is a gift of God....(with a little help from our friends, the growers).

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 10:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Yes, California is our grand master to follow regarding wine and fruit production. However, I have to pay homage to Israel as they shared with my father advanced drip irrigation technology and we continue to maintain good relations with our friends there. (As I mentioned some time ago, our UAV-drones are Israeli and the integrated irrigation software as well.)

    Today in the clinic I asked if they were busy and again learned they were far below capacity. The virus is a killer, but its main target seems the elderly.

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 12:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Contd from other thread:

    TelBot “Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless” and now out of arguments.

    You said all that in the previous post, you never did have any “answers”, now you appear to have run out of obfuscations and evasions.

    Mate, give it up, you’re not just beaten, you’re being walked on.

    How about you try being nice to people, not attack them, live and let live, it’s better than being crucified all the time.

    His Excellency, the most high Advocator of the Avocado, Chicureo, culinary Maestro of the Andes.

    Jack the Proof, Truth, & Psychological Superior to Gollum.

    I can see we are going to have some fun with these titles.

    The first ten years of my working life was spent in a “Cockney speaking environment”, or rather plastic Cockney was the term, new towns built around London to house the “London overspill”.

    The definition of “a Cockney” is/was someone born within the sound of of Bow Bells, the church in the East end of London.

    The term “Cockney”, I’m told, is from the Victorian era, meaning a Cock’s (as in male chicken’s) neyes (spelling uncertain), neyes, being an old English word for an egg, meaning as believable as the Cock bird laying an egg.

    It was a most pleasant “trip down memory lane”, to think in that accent/dialect/language, once again.

    A lot to answer for those Victorians, like now we say “autumn” from the Latin, I’m sure you recognise, instead of the Anglo-Saxon “fall”.

    “wanting a low profile”, very wise, always want to be under the radar, this also I know, you know.

    P. S. Will you two stop talking about food/wine, Pavlov was right, except dogs don’t know the difference between kebabs and fine cuisine, which makes a lot of difference!

    All I have is pepper Biltong, no wine, only lager, albeit Jamaican.

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 12:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-H the Great and Mighty Mercopress Ingratiator

    Alright, you've peaked my interest! The only other time I've heard reference of a “pepper Biltong” was from my Rhodesian expat professor who taught at our Grange British School here.

    Is it the jerky or the marinated meat version? You won't hurt my culinary tastes tonight, as I had was a humble Wayu beef on sourdough sandwich.

    Also, the beer sounds refreshing for your summer weather. So I kindly request details.

    Speaking of details, on another thread:
    As to your question: “I would like to know where they live?”

    Roger Lorton:
    Brit Bob:
    DemonTree: In a pleasant part of England
    Judge Jose:
    Pugol-H: African international bon vivant living in England
    Zaphod Beeblebrox: (assuming the restaurant at the end of the universe)
    Jack Bauer: (Besides dwelling in your mind) Região Nordeste do Brasil
    Chicureo: Valle del Aconcagua, Chicureo, Viña del Mar and soon — Valle Nevado
    THINK: La Provincia del Chubut and parts of Europe unknown

    Jack, I believe lives in Recife and grew up in a polyglot family.
    We think we learned that although you are Nigerian by birth and have lived abroad in several countries — you now reside in Northern England? Am I close?

    And cockney, I know almost nothing...

    ...and the Jamaican is it?

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 02:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    His Excellency, the most high Advocator of the Avocado, Chicureo, culinary Maestro of the Andes.

    Biltong is the Afrikaans word for beef Jerk(y). Sun dried beef strips, usually silverside, with whatever spices sprinkled on the meat before laying on a rack to dry.

    Stays edible for a long time, very useful if you are travelling the Veld in a wagon. It was a staple back in the day in throughout Southern Africa, so your Rhodesian professor would certainly have known of it.

    The lager is “Red Strip” 4.8% strength, it is my favourite larger, very refreshing in the very slightly warmer weather we have had, it reached a whole 30C, for a few day and the Pomms were dropping like flies.

    There is also a “Red Strip, Crucial Brew” 8.5% strength, although the taste is not to my liking.

    Yes I was born in W. Africa, a part of the world JB is very familiar with.

    I currently reside in South West of England. No Cockney spoken here whatsoever.

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 02:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    What a day!

    Interesting development as this morning I was recalled for COVID19 testing under a strict protocol where I was greeted at the clinic — as though I had the Ebola virus, but was allowed to return home with strict orders to isolate and not leave my residence until further notice.

    I am under house arrest! (I've learned that they are not only tracking my current position, but also my previous movements via my smartphone.)

    I discussed the news my attorney, and his advice was to simply cooperate and wait. Madame's reaction was — that I deserve this because I was trying to game the system, but seemed unalarmed about contamination. (She did insist I check my temperature.) ...I feel perfectly healthy...

    Switching subjects, Regarding dried jerky, the domestic here is of questionable origin, but the good quality jerky I had in Uruguay is outstanding.

    I grew up in a strange household, where wine was always on the dining table, but beer was looked down upon and whisky was only for special occasions. (Of course, in my youth — beer became my favorite libation.)

    Over a decade ago, I took a third vocation as an irrigation consultant working in the São Francisco valley of Brazil and as daytime temperatures would often exceed 40° I lived on enormous quantities of excellent Brazilian Pilsner. (There they insist on serving at 0° and provide an insulated jacket to maintain the cold.)

    We never chill our reds, but we chill our whites to uncivilized 0° serving temperatures during the summer.

    Although I've never visited Gloucestershire, I've visited Oxford, spent time in the Cotswolds and obviously Portsmouth. Besides London and many of the touristy places in England, I spent a fair amount of time in Chicksands. Never been to Africa

    So here I am waiting for judgement. Too early to pull a cork yet...

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Just wondering why they called you in for testing, have you been near someone now confirmed, and they are just following up all contacts, or have you just been wandering about and they have detected that?

    I would have asked if they could test for anti-bodies while they are at it.

    You get two bites of the cherry here, first you have to have it, and then you have to have the more serious form of it, before you need to worry.

    Most people either don’t know they have it, or have a relatively mild form of it.

    Cross that bridge when you come to it, as we say, as yet you don’t even have it.

    Next time either leave the “dog and Bone” at home, or take the battery out and put it in the boot.

    Meanwhile stiff upper lip old chap, perhaps a stiff Brandy, follows wine very well say the French.

    Here they generally chill white wines, but not to zero, reds at room temp, oftentimes just opened. Even I know that a red needs to be open for a while before you drink it.

    Stay well Compadre

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 08:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-H the Great and Mighty Mercopress Ingratiator

    As I mentioned earlier, they did test for antibodies, but the results take a longer period to be reported. My opinion is that the COVID19 test result was a false positive, because I feel perfectly fine.

    (By the way, they can still track your phone, even if the battery is out.)

    My sense of smell and taste are normal, and I've had no “common cold” symptoms.

    My greatest mortality threat, is from Madame's temper if she catches me watching the latest Argentine financial news too closely:

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 09:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Have some Jamaican Red Stripe in my fridge, and few other brands as I like experimenting.....Just turned cold (14 C) so no beer today...
    My favorite pale lager is Pilsener Urquell (Tchec Republic).....cold and crispy, great for hot weather. English IPA's (Fuller's), and others with stronger flavours also go down well. One that caught my attention due to the suggestive name, “The Bishop's finger”...

    As far as I can remember, beer has always been very popular in Brazil.....until some 20 years ago, there were, besides only a few small regional breweries, two big breweries, both located in São Paulo....Brahma and Antartica. They competed fiercely until in 1999, they merged to form Ambev, with about 70% market share.
    As the years went by they bought up lots of small breweries which became known for specialty beers, and eventually spread into Argentina (buying up Quilmes) and Uruguay (Norteña).
    They didn't stop there - they bought up Budweiser, Miller in the US, Stella Artois (Belgium), Corona (Mexico) and others.
    After the acquisition of Stella Artois they changed the name of the company to AB Inbev, and today it's the largest brewery in the world. If not mistaken Brazilians consume about 15 billion litres/year.

    Today, the market is flooded with 10s of dozens of types of beer, brewed locally and imported.

    Beef jerky, or “charque”, is very popular in the NE of Brazil (pronounced ''sharky”)

    Chicureo, Pugol

    Just for the record I live in city of São Paulo....never 'lived' in the NE.
    If I remember correctly, it was Gollum, a long time ago, who let slip out that he had hidden out briefly in Bahia, or some other northeastern state....(which would explain his obssession with inadequate toilets).....

    Jun 27th, 2020 - 09:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    https ://
    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    “you are a LIAR and a FAKE.”
    JB “Mourão served in Haiti;” Thats your invention, because I never claimed that.
    Is your desperate attempt to evade the fact that it came from a journalist, and not me.
    “Bolsonaro's wife was weak” according to one journalistic source.
    “toilets with plastic bins” “As in other Latin American countries, toilet paper isn’t flushed. There’s usually a basket next to the toilet to put paper in.” Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah, The Brazil Business, 17 May 2013
    “served in the RAF” All refuted, Oh what shame I get to show again what a lying bag of shite you really are.

    Jun 28th, 2020 - 12:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    His Excellency, the most high Advocator of the Avocado, Chicureo, culinary Maestro of the Andes.

    “I feel perfectly fine”, that is good, long may it last, at least a third of people here feel no symptoms. First bridge crossed.

    I did say “and put it in the boot”, if you’re really worried, wrap it in Aluminium foil. To operate it needs two things, power, which if it has any, will not last without a battery, and then connectivity, which it will not have wrapped in tin foil, in the boot, next to the spare wheel. Alternatively just leave it at home.

    Suddenly “Argentine financial news” is fascinating, obviously I need to be much better informed about such matters.

    Jack the Proof, Truth, & Psychological Superior to Gollum.

    Czech Pilsner beers are nice, I agree, in that part of the world it dilutes the Vodka. Or Absinth, not as lethal today as the original product.

    IPA stands for “India Pale Ale”, originally brewed for the Troops garrisoned in India, designed to quench the thirst in the heat (especially just before the Monsoon) without rendering them totally incapable of action.

    Oh dear Terry F*ck witt has just re-appeared.

    Jun 28th, 2020 - 01:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Gollum, aka Terence Hill, aka LIAR

    ME : “you are a LIAR and a FAKE.”
    YOUR CLAIM: “Mourão served in Haiti;“..
    YOUR EXCUSE : ”Thats your invention, because I never claimed that“.....PLUS : ”Is your desperate attempt to evade the fact that it came from a journalist, and not me“.
    You admit you passed on a LIE....that makes it yours.

    Clearly, besides yr shitty English (”Is your desperate..”) when caught in a lie ('that Mourão had served under Gen Heleno in Haiti') your MO is to claim it was the author's fault...(1st feeble excuse)

    YOU :“ “Bolsonaro's wife was weak” according to one journalistic source”...again, the journalist's fault......(2nd feeble excuse)

    Have you noticed, ALWAYS someone else's fault ? Looks like you have a serious ”transference ' disorder.....

    Well, by the above it's easy to see you don't understand Portuguese (although way back you tried to imply you did), you accept innacurate translations without checking the other are an idiot...or a LIAR...or both.

    As to “toilets with plastic bins”, your claims that “As in other Latin American countries, toilet paper isn’t flushed. There’s usually a basket next to the toilet to put paper in” are based on what ? the report of some unknown tourist guide, 'Ana Gabriela Verotti Farah' ?....her “usually” implies it is not the rule, nevertheless, you accept her opinion without proof.

    So I conclude, IF you really ever lived here - as per some distant claim of yours, which I haven't see you deny...yet - either you LIED (again), or you are a fool to lap up her opinion...doesn't say much for your IQ.

    And, as for having served in the RAF, and the picture of a cheap mug won at a the yearly 'toilet cleaning contest' at the fair, it's just the cherry on the LIAR's cake.


    When the Brits created IPA, they sure knew what they least as far as brewing is concerned.
    Pilsner with vodka ? and Absinth ? Had Absinth only once...was quite enough.

    Terry Fuckwitt....hilarious !

    Jun 28th, 2020 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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