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C24 calls on UK and Argentina to resume sovereignty talks on South Atlantic islands

Thursday, August 6th 2020 - 09:50 UTC
Full article 36 comments
Argentine foreign minister Solá said “the recovery of full sovereignty exercise over the Malvinas is a State policy and a strong feeling of the Argentine people” Argentine foreign minister Solá said “the recovery of full sovereignty exercise over the Malvinas is a State policy and a strong feeling of the Argentine people”
Solá added that the C24 manifestly recognizes the existence of a sovereignty dispute, “and our country once again iterates its standing willingness to negotiate” Solá added that the C24 manifestly recognizes the existence of a sovereignty dispute, “and our country once again iterates its standing willingness to negotiate”
The news was published in the official site of the Argentine Foreign ministry, with no other indications of how the meeting or procedure of the resolution was reached. The news was published in the official site of the Argentine Foreign ministry, with no other indications of how the meeting or procedure of the resolution was reached.

The United Nations Decolonization Committee, or C24, unanimously approved a resolution on Wednesday calling on the UK and Argentina to resume negotiations, so that in the shortest time possible a peaceful and definitive solution to the sovereignty controversy over the Falkllands, South Georgia, South Sandwich islands and adjoining maritime spaces.

The news was published in the official site of the Argentine Foreign Affairs ministry, with no further indications of how the meeting or procedure of the resolution was reached.

However it was an opportunity for Argentine foreign minister Felipe Solá to insist that “the recovery of full sovereignty exercise over the Malvinas is a State policy and a strong feeling of the Argentine people”

Solá added that the C24 manifestly recognizes the existence of a soverignty dispute and calls on Argentina and the UK to dialogue, “and our country once again iterates its standing willingness to negotiate”

The resolution was sponsored by all Latin American countires in C24, Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and the release recalls that since 1983, C24 is calling on Argentina and UK to resume negotiations in conformity with Resolution 2065 and other similar statements from the UN General Assembly on the so called Malvinas Islands question.

The ministry release also underlines the unanimous approval by the Argentine congress of the bill creating the National Council for Affairs relative to the Malvinas Islands, “a plural initiative which will help to outline and sustain State policies in the mid and long term”

Finally the release recalls that the UN C24 resolution is shared by other multilateral forums such as the Organization of American States, Mercosur, the Group of 77 plus China, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, plus the Ibero-American summits. But despite all, UK continues in its negative stance on the resumption of negotiations.

In reality the UK position has been that any negotiations will depend on the Falkland Islanders and their right to self determination, in other words it is up to the Falklands' people to decide whether they wish to continue as a British Overseas Territory or any other option. However in 2013 a referendum on the issue was held and overwhelmingly, almost unanimously the Falklands voted to remain as a UKOT.

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  • RedBaron

    Sola is a LIAR. All of the Argies I know have no interest in the Falklands and they tell me that this is an over-hyped political ideal chased by the bureaucrats to divert attention from other failings. Argentinians do not want the Falklands and have no interest in any negotiations or conflict.

    Aug 06th, 2020 - 09:34 am +10
  • Islander1

    Dear Argentine Ministers.

    UN asks you and UK to sit down and negotiate. You say- we want and will get the Islands.- You clearly have not got the faintest clue of how Modern Democracy and the UN Charter works! You still live in the old Colonial era.
    Your idea of a negotiation is just to fix a sovereignty handover date!

    Luckily a definitive solution was reached- the referendum in 2013- supervised and signed off as fully democratically done by a group of international politicians- including those from Chile- Uruguay and others.

    Aug 06th, 2020 - 09:53 am +9
  • kelperabout

    Argentina will use every lie they can dream up to highlight the Falkland Islands and this latest rise is all part of their ongoing deflection to divert the real problem away from their own failing state.
    Their country is so heavily in debt that it is very unlikely that they will ever honour their 65 billion loans . Of course that is not the first time loans have been defaulted on . Argentina lost any claim to the Falklands in 1982 when they ruthlessly invaded a peaceful neighbour.
    That back then was designed to divert attention from an internal political unrest .
    They were rightfully kicked off the islands from their illegal occupation.

    In 2013 the islanders voted to remain British with a 99.98% vote. That should have been the end of the matter but Argentina the land grabbing pirates of the 21st century refuse to accept the wishes of the islanders even though the result was internationally recognised.

    Argentina has a history of aggression towards their neighbours and not for the first time have they tried to steal another countries land. Just ask Chile they will confirm that.

    Argentina has no real interest in the islands other than it is a great political tool to use when things go wrong in their own country .

    The islanders are used to this rhetoric coming out of Argentina and fully aware of the embargoes they have put on them.
    Just shows the world what an undesirable neighbour we have to put up with. Who in there right mind would want to be a part of that corruption.
    No thank you, we are British and wish to very much remain so living the life of our choosing and not that if a dictator.

    Aug 06th, 2020 - 10:31 am +9
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