The City Hall of Rio de Janeiro Friday announced that effective September 1, a COVID-19 vaccination passport will be required for customers to be allowed to enter cinemas, theatres, museums, stadiums, amusement parks and gyms.
The Government of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo and Prime Minister Guido Bellido has survived a vote of confidence motion at the national single-House Legislature controlled by the right-wing opposition.
The European Kingdom of Denmark Friday announced a reshaping of its foreign policies and a series of measures pertaining thereto which included lifting its embassy in Buenos Aires, which encompasses Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The measure will be effective within a year.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Friday said that “everyone should buy a rifle” in order not to be enslaved.
Argentine intercity bus drivers have gone on a 72-hour nationwide strike from Friday through Monday to demand better wages and labour conditions as well as overdue salaries.
Royal Caribbean's Wonder of the Seas has returned to Saint Naizaire after completing four days of sea trials including seven dozen tests, which apparently have been successful or up to expected standards.
A federal prosecutor indicted Argentine President Alberto Fernández for violating the sanitary restrictions he had himself decreed, after evidence surfaced of a large gathering at the Olivos Residence in July 2020 to celebrate the First Lady's birthday while the rest of the country was placed under quarantine.
Former two-time Uruguayan President Julio María Sanguinetti Thursday claimed “Argentina infects us with adjectives,” as he appeared together with former heads of state Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera and José “Pepe” Mujica during a celebration of Democracy staged at Montevideo's Parliament building.
Peronist provincial lawmaker Miguel Arias was shot at during the party's closing ceremony not far from the town of Paso de Los Libres as the province of Corrientes gets ready for this coming Sunday's elñections where the offices of Governor and Vice Governor will be at stake.
Brazilian carrier Gol Linhas Aéreas Thursday announced that starting in November, it will require all its employees to have taken a full COVID-19 vaccine treatment.